Biofilm - a deadly danger?

Posted: October 04, 2024
Dr. med. Wolfgang  Bachmann
Dr. med. Wolfgang Bachmann

General practitioner

Have you tried all sorts of standard medications and therapies, but have been struggling for years with some kind of mysterious illness that brings vague symptoms such as fatigue, digestive problems and a weak immune system? 

Our body has to deal with a wide variety of pathogens such as viruses, parasites and harmful bacteria on a daily basis. Normally, our immune system detects them quickly and fends them off immediately. But what happens when these very pathogens join forces and hide under a protective shell that they have built themselves? 

This creates a so-called biofilm.

What is biofilm?

Biofilm can form on surfaces as well as in the body. The best known biofilm is caries. The bacteria on the teeth protect themselves as plaque and are thus immune to external influences. However, this does not only exist as dental plaque. Unwelcome inhabitants can also colonize the intestines and form a bacterial coating known as biofilm. 

Biofilm is a layer of mucus that is formed by the inhabitants themselves and is firmly attached to the intestinal wall. Bacteria and other inhabitants communicate in their own language and can thus grow continuously. If the construction of the biofilm structure is not counteracted, the colony continues to grow happily and more and more bacteria, viruses and the like can hide underneath.

The big problem?

The unpleasant co-inhabitants are adaptive artists and can survive even in difficult conditions. They are then difficult for our immune system or medication to attack. Microorganisms within a biofilm are up to a thousand times more resistant than they are individually.

➤ The biofilm makes bacteria up to 1000 times more resistant!

The harmful inhabitants in the biofilm and their consequences

1) Parasites

If intestinal parasites are present in the biofilm, they bring with them many undesirable side effects. One of these is that they also lay their eggs there in order to reproduce. In doing so, they constantly secrete toxins, which subsequently enter the body. This can lead to serious health problems such as leaky gut syndrome, allergies and autoimmune diseases. 

2) Pathogenic bacteria 

Our intestines are normally full of good bacteria that fulfill many important functions. However, if the number of bad or pathogenic microorganisms increases, the good ones are driven out and an intestinal dysbiosis develops. The consequences? The entire intestinal flora is thrown out of balance, the immune system is weakened and diseases of all kinds are encouraged. 

3) Viruses

Viruses are known to cause infections. They are usually responsible for gastrointestinal infections in the gut. 

4) Mushrooms

Fungi are also found in the intestines and can cause symptoms such as flatulence, diarrhea or migraines.

Parasites often live unnoticed in the human body for years!

What can you do about unwanted roommates?

1) Intestinal cleansing

In order to get rid of parasites, bacteria and the like, the surface of the intestine must first be cleaned of biofilm. This is not so easy, as the inhabitants protect their home with all their might. However, an intestinal cleansing with certain enzymes can help here.

To the colon cleansing capsules

2) Detoxification & parasite cure

You should always detoxify your body after a colon cleansing, as parasites in particular leave behind many toxic metabolic products. This can be done with MSM, for example. The organic sulphur is known for getting rid of toxins. But it is not only useful for detoxification, it also helps to get rid of parasites as it has an antiparasitic effect. MSM is therefore very suitable for a parasite cure including detoxification.

About the MSM capsules

3) Promote good microorganisms, combat bad ones

A healthy intestinal flora consists of sufficient good microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. If the right microorganisms are present, the immune system remains strong and the lining of the intestine remains tight. So support your intestinal flora directly in combating bad bacteria, stopping digestive system disorders, counteracting leaky gut syndrome and improving poor nutrient absorption. Pro- and prebiotics are particularly suitable for this.

To the pro- & prebiotics powder


According to studies, natural extracts and products help better against biofilm than artificially produced ones. Although herbal remedies sometimes work a little more slowly, they have fewer side effects overall and ultimately achieve their goal more powerfully. They help the body to support the liver in the detoxification process, support the organism with important and missing nutrients and strengthen the intestinal flora including the intestinal mucosa.


Quellen (in englischer Sprache): 

Flemming, H-C., Wingender, J., Szewzyk, U., Steinberg, P., Rice, S. A. & Kjelleberg, S. (2016, August). Biofilms: an emergent form of bacterial life. Nature Reviews. Microbiology, 14(9):563-75, doi: 10.1038/nrmicro.2016.94

Stacy, A., McNally, L., Darch, S., Brown, S. & Whiteley M. (2016, February). The biogeography of polymicrobial infection. Nature Reviews. Microbiology, 14(2):93-105, doi: 10.1038/nrmicro.2015.8

Mishra, R., Panda, A., De Mandal, S., Shakeel, M., Bisht, S. & Khan, J. (2020, October). Natural Anti-biofilm Agents: Strategies to Control Biofilm-Forming Pathogens. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11: 566325, 10.3389/fmicb.2020.566325

Roy, R., Tiwari, M., Donelli, G. & Tiwari, V. (2017, March). Strategies for combating bacterial biofilms: A focus on anti-biofilm agents and their mechanisms of action. Viruelnce, 9(1): 522–554, doi: 10.1080/21505594.2017.1313372