What is candidiasis and how can you treat it effectively?

Posted: October 08, 2024
Dr. med. Wolfgang  Bachmann
Dr. med. Wolfgang Bachmann

General practitioner

Do you sometimes suffer from the following complaints?

  • Exhaustion
  • Cravings for sweets
  • Bad breath
  • White coating on the tongue
  • Brain fog
  • Disorders of the hormone balance
  • Joint pain
  • Reduced libido
  • Chronic sinusitis and allergies
  • Digestive problems (flatulence)
  • Weak immune system
  • Urinary tract infections

If so, you may be suffering from a fungal infection called candidiasis. In this article, you will learn all about the symptoms and causes of candidiasis as well as ways to treat the infection naturally by changing your diet.


What is candidiasis?

Candida is a fungus that helps with the absorption and digestion of nutrients as long as it is only present in the body to a limited extent. Typical symptoms can occur in the event of overgrowth. In the digestive tract, an uncontrolled Candida outbreak causes damage to the intestinal mucosa. As a result, the fungus can enter the bloodstream. In the same way, degradation products of toxins or harmful substances enter the bloodstream. This is known as leaky gut syndrome.

Disruptions to the natural pH value in the body can lead to Candida being able to spread unhindered. This leads to systemic disorders and unpleasant symptoms. Many beneficial bacteria and a well-functioning immune system are essential to fight this stubborn infection.

If Candida spreads unhindered in the body, it is a case of Candida overgrowth. Do not take this lightly: this is a serious chronic disease. In addition to the typical symptoms, patients who suffer from a severe yeast infection for the first time report that they are suddenly sensitive or allergic to many foods and can no longer tolerate dairy products, eggs, corn and gluten, for example.

Candidiasis (candidiasis) can have serious consequences. For several years, a dangerous Candida species called Candida auris has been spreading in several countries and many healthcare facilities in the U.S. and has emerged as a dangerous health threat. This fungus - which often spreads through Candida biofilms on surfaces such as catheters and railings - has proven resistant to several medications, leading to serious illness.

Candida albicans is the most common yeast infection in the mouth, intestines and vagina (vaginal/genital candidiasis), which can affect the skin and other mucous membranes. With a healthy immune system, such a yeast infection is rarely dangerous. However, if the immune system is weakened, the Candida infection can spread to other parts of the body, for example to the blood and the membranes around the heart or brain, causing severe symptoms. Doctors then speak of invasive candidiasis.

How does candidiasis develop?

Candida overgrowth can have many causes. Risk factors include a high-sugar diet, a high proportion of refined carbohydrates and alcohol. The fungus feeds on all of these products. There are also six other possible causes.

1. broad-spectrum antibiotics

Sometimes antibiotics are needed to fight a stubborn infection in the body caused by harmful bacteria. However, the problem with antibiotics, especially when overdosed, is that

  • antibiotic resistance can develop on the one hand and on the other,
  • that not only harmful bacteria are killed, but also bacteria that are beneficial to the body.

Beneficial bacteria are responsible for digestion in our body and keep Candida in check. After a long intake cycle (or several within a short period of time), antibiotics create optimal growth conditions for Candida.

Candidiasis caused by antibiotics and birth control pills

2. birth control pill

Unlike antibiotics, the contraceptive pill does not directly cause yeast infections or overgrowth of Candida. However, the pill can promote a Candida infection if the woman has a high-sugar diet and has just had to take antibiotics.

Some women also find that the pill encourages yeast infections in them - even long after the actual infection has been successfully fought and they then start taking the pill again. At this point, Candida begins to proliferate in their bodies.

3. oral corticosteroids

Patients who treat their asthma with corticosteroids via an inhaler are at greater risk of Candida colonization in the mouth than other groups of people. As a result, Candida spreads from there throughout the body. It is essential that you rinse your mouth thoroughly after each use of a corticosteroid inhaler. Treat oral candidiasis by gargling with a mixture of coconut oil and one or two drops of clove oil.

4. cancer treatments

According to the Department of Clinical Research at Merck Research Laboratories, Candida can spread unhindered in cancer patients and become a serious health risk. In one study, one third of cancer patients developed invasive candidiasis. Chemotherapy and radiation effectively destroy cancer cells and tumors, but also all the beneficial bacteria that could naturally fight Candida.

5. diabetes

In diabetics (type 1 and 2), the sugar level in the mouth and other mucous membranes is generally higher than in healthy people. Candida is a type of yeast, and yeast feeds on sugar. It is therefore not surprising that diabetics have a higher risk of Candida overgrowth.

6. weakened immune system

Anyone with a weakened immune system is at a higher risk of candidiasis. This particularly includes infants, young children, the elderly, HIV/AIDS patients and anyone suffering from inflammatory or autoimmune diseases.

9 Symptoms of candidiasis

Candida overgrowth is not easy for a doctor to diagnose. Possible test methods include stool samples, blood samples, a Candida DNA test, PCR tests of the stool and microbial tests for organic acids. Candidiasis triggers very different symptoms in the body, which vary from patient to patient. Below we discuss nine typical symptoms that can occur in the case of overgrowth or candidiasis.

1. chronic fatigue

If you suffer from tiredness and fatigue that you just can't get rid of, no matter how long you sleep, you may be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. This condition is characterized by persistent fatigue for more than six months and is often accompanied by other symptoms of candidiasis, including headaches, joint pain, memory lapses, difficulty concentrating and a sore throat.

Chronic fatigue often occurs in patients with candidiasis, although a Candida infection is not the only cause. However, many doctors are of the opinion that this increases the risk of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic fatigue and mood disorders due to candidiasis

2. mood disorders

One reason why candidiasis is so difficult to diagnose is that many of the typical symptoms can also indicate other illnesses. This also includes mood disorders. Many people affected by Candida overgrowth suffer from:

  • strong mood swings
  • Fears
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • and even panic attacks

3. recurrent vaginal and urinary tract infections

Candida can be the actual cause of recurring urinary tract or vaginal infections. Candida is a fungus that is transmitted through sexual contact. This means that you and your partner can repeatedly infect each other. Women can reduce their risk by avoiding tight-fitting underwear and tights. If you have an active infection, you should also avoid taking hot baths.

4. mouth rot

Oral thrush is a yeast infection caused by the same species of Candida that affects other mucous membranes and the vagina. Oral thrush is often triggered by the use of oral corticosteroids. If left untreated, the fungi can spread throughout the body and affect the digestive tract, lungs, liver and heart valves.

Oral candidiasis is transmissible:

  • Newborns can be infected with it during birth;
  • Children can fall ill if they share toys with other children;
  • Adults can transmit candidiasis back and forth via saliva.

5. sinusitis

As with many other symptoms of candidiasis, sinusitis is common, making it difficult to pinpoint the actual cause. Candida affects the sinuses and can lead to a persistent cough, sinubronchial syndrome, nasal congestion, seasonal allergies and general flu symptoms. If you have constant problems with your sinuses, you should get tested for a Candida infection.

6. intestinal complaints

Persistent intestinal discomfort is one of the more unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis. Constant flatulence, belching, constipation or diarrhea as well as stomach cramps can be caused by a lack of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.

If yeast fungi spread excessively in the intestine, healthy bacteria are powerless and can no longer fight the infection. If the intestinal flora is out of balance, doctors speak of dysbiosis. Many patients feel relieved of a great burden as soon as their candidiasis is successfully treated and their chronic intestinal complaints subside.

7. brain fog

Along with mood swings and chronic fatigue, brain fog is often overlooked as a symptom of candidiasis. An overgrowth of Candida can cause concentration problems, poor body coordination and impaired memory.

8. fungal infections of the skin and nails

Athlete's foot and nail fungus are among the most common yeast infections. They are both caused by the same Candida strain. Persistent infections can be a sign of systemic candidiasis.

9. disorders of the hormonal balance

Hormonal imbalances are among the symptoms of candidiasis as well as numerous other diseases. However, you should know that an infection can cause premature menopause, PMS, low libido, migraines, endometriosis, water retention, mood swings and the inability to lose weight.

In the course of Candida overgrowth, numerous inflammatory foci form in the body. This allows yeast fungi to spread unhindered and beyond the digestive tract. One of the by-products of Candida imitates oestrogen and thus leads to serious hormonal imbalances.

How can you treat a Candida infection?

Treatment option 1: rid your body of Candida 

With the help of a cleansing procedure, you free your body from excess Candida. You flush your digestive tract, so to speak, and ensure that beneficial bacteria that fight Candida colonize your intestines. These bacteria are found in fermented vegetables and kefir.

You have two options for this cleansing procedure: with the intake of liquids only or a gentler method with special foods. Of course, you can also use both methods as a two-step procedure: You start with the first option (liquids) and complete the cleanse by eating beneficial foods. This also lays the foundation for the special Candida diet.

1st option: With liquids only (duration: 1 to 2 days)

Make a vegetable stock from organic onions, garlic, celery, kale, sea salt and water. Allow to simmer and then strain. Leave the pure stock to cool.

During the day, drink the warm broth in small sips. It is essential that you drink plenty of fluids to flush toxins from the body. This method is not a long-term cleanse. However, you can repeat it every few weeks as required. Or you can use it as the first phase of a two-step process to prepare your body.

2nd option: Steamed vegetables (duration: 3 to 5 days)

Eliminate cereal products, sugar, fruit, starchy vegetables and alcohol from your diet for three to five days. This is an effective strategy to stop Candida overgrowth.

Eat fresh, steamed organic vegetables instead. During this phase, it is essential that you avoid all starchy vegetables. These include carrots, radishes, turnips, sweet potatoes and potatoes. These lead to an increase in sugar levels in the body. Remember: Candida feeds on sugar.

Drink plenty of waterat least two liters a day. This is the only way to flush Candida and its by-products out of your body. During this time, you may eat a salad of green leafy vegetables (e.g. romaine lettuce) or bitter varieties (e.g. Swiss chard) together with a splash of coconut oil and apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice) no more than once a day.

Organic vegetables for candidiasis

Treatment option 2: The Candida diet

This form of nutrition aims to achieve the following:

  • create an environment in which the Candida yeast fungus does not feel comfortable
  • and actually expel the fungus from the body.

The diet is ideal following the cleansing procedure just described.

1. the first step is to strengthen your immune system by avoiding sugar, alcohol and refined carbohydrates. These foods promote the growth of Candida in your body.

2 Secondly, replace these foods with organic vegetables such as

  • Carrots
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Asparagus

According to the findings of traditional Chinese medicine, warm starchy vegetables support the spleen in eliminating Candida from the body. You should avoid these vegetables during the cleansing phase.

However, as part of the Candida diet, warm fall vegetables help to nourish the spleen. These include sweet potatoes, yams, peas, mung beans, lentils, kidney beans, adzuki beans, carrots, beets, corn, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, acorn squash, zucchini, yellow zucchini, rutabaga and pumpkin. These vegetables should make up the majority of your daily carbohydrates and also satisfy your cravings for sweets.

What about cereal products?

Some cereals such as quinoa, barley, teff, sorghum and amaranth, as well as starchy corn, contribute to the drying out of an overly moist gut. One portion per day (no more!) is therefore permitted.

The same applies to cold dishes.

You should also only consume one portion of this per day. So if you have already drunk a bowel-friendly smoothie, don't eat any more salad that day. Your gut, which is over-colonized by Candida, heals best with warm, nutrient-rich foods.

Pay close attention to how you feel after eating certain foods. For example, some people suffer from stomach problems after eating starchy products. In this case, you should completely avoid starchy vegetables such as corn, peas, parsnips, potatoes, pumpkin, squash, zucchini and sweet potatoes. Instead, eat non-starchy vegetables - usually the flowering parts of the plant - such as lettuce, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, spinach, mushrooms, onions, peppers and tomatoes.

Also limit your fruit consumption and the consumption of natural sweeteners such as maple syrup or honey.

3. the third step: include cultured dairy products in your diet, preferably kefir made from goat's milk. Healthy probiotic foods help to effectively kill Candida in your body. Probiotics such as kimchi and sauerkraut are just as suitable as unsweetened cranberry juice. They create an acidic environment in which Candida does not feel at home.

Fermented vegetables contain microflora that help to protect the gut. Regular consumption of fermented foods strengthens the immune system and creates less optimal conditions for Candida in the body. Start with a small portion of sauerkraut, kimchi or other fermented vegetables per day as part of your new diet to bring your body into a healthy balance.

The Candida diet helps to provide you with beneficial bacteria. It also regulates your appetite and reduces cravings for refined carbohydrates and sugar.

Treatment option 3: dietary supplements, essential oils and coconut oil

Research shows that Candida albicans, the strain of Candida that leads to systemic Candida overgrowth, is often resistant to both fluconazole and itraconazole, the most commonly prescribed antifungal drugs for candidiasis.

1. coconut oil

Coconut oil can effectively fight Candida due to its antimicrobial properties. The combination of lauric acid and caprylic acid contained in coconut oil kills harmful Candida. This happens both when the oil is ingested and when it is applied externally.

2. milk thistle

Milk thistle supplements help cleanse your liver of prescription medications (steroids, birth control, antibiotics and others), environmental pollutants, heavy metals and the remnants of chemotherapy and radiation. As mentioned above, some prescription medications and cancer treatments can lead to Candida overgrowth. Complementing the Candida diet, milk thistle can help your body recover and create an environment where Candida can no longer thrive.

3. vitamin C

Vitamin C supports the adrenal glands and helps to restore the immune system. Take 1000 mg of vitamin C two to three times a day, i.e. a total of 2000 to 3000 mg.

4. essential oils

Clove oil, oregano oil and myrrh oil help to kill various parasites and fungi, including Candida. Lavender oil inhibits the growth of Candida and is also effective in preventing the infection from spreading.

For example, mix a few drops of clove or lavender oil with coconut oil during your body cleansing routine. In this way, you can put an end to harmful candida fungi. These essential oils are effective substances that you should use internally for a maximum of ten days.

For oral candidiasis, mix three drops of clove oil with one tablespoon of coconut oil. Rinse your mouth with the mixture for 20 minutes.

Do not give clove oil to children under two years of age (internal use). If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor in advance about whether you can use clove oil internally.

Symptoms of regression of candidiasis

The rapid elimination of Candida produces a metabolic reaction in the body in which more than 70 different toxins are released. This cleansing process does not leave you unscathed and can cause the following symptoms:

  • Impairment of brain functions
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Dizziness
  • Digestive complaints, including flatulence, constipation and nausea
  • Sweating and fever
  • Sinusitis
  • Skin reactions (not only on the face)
  • Typical flu symptoms

If you notice these symptoms, it means that the infection is receding - a reason to celebrate! Normally these symptoms go away after seven to ten days. The more your body rids itself of Candida, the more energetic and focused you will feel (usually within a few weeks). All other symptoms will also subside.

After cleansing your body and changing your diet, you should continue to eat foods rich in protein and fiber. You should also limit your intake of cereals, fruit, sugar and starchy vegetables such as potatoes. Instead, you should regularly eat fermented vegetables and kefir. This will keep your body in balance and prevent Candida overgrowth. Prevention is better than cure.


Sources (in English): 

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