The nutrient dilemma: malnourished and fat?

Posted: September 06, 2024
Sarah Allen
Sarah Allen

Nutritionist and dietician

Let's assume that you have food on the table every day and don't go hungry. How many of the questions below can you answer yes to?

  • Do you often suffer from headaches?
  • Do you often feel bloated and have digestive problems?
  • Do you often have a craving for sweets?
  • Do you wake up tired in the morning?
  • Is your skin dry, rough and flaky? Do you have blemishes?
  • Do you have extreme mood swings or even depressive moods?
  • Do you have difficulty concentrating?

If you answer yes to several questions and possibly also suffer from obesity, all signs point to the fact that you are about to starve to death. You heard right: starving despite plenty of food.

Calories vs. nutrients

We sit in front of overstuffed plates and often consume over 1000 calories in a single meal. Despite this, our bodies are not getting the nutrients they need to "function". We are overfed but undernourished because our diet is high in energy but low in nutrients. This is why we struggle with weight problems and the ailments listed above. Instead of nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables and legumes, we eat industrially processed foods. These "empty calories" confuse our metabolism - if we don't give our body the nutrients it needs, it will continue to crave food even though our calorie needs have long been met. The result: we eat more, put on weight and still don't feel satisfied - a vicious circle.

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Need to catch up on nutrients

The crux of the matter: The more industrially processed foods we consume, the more nutrients, i.e. vitamins, minerals, fiber and good fats, we need to supply our bodies with in order to compensate for the negative effects of our diet. With our eating habits, this is hardly possible with a healthy diet alone. To make matters worse, even healthy, natural foods are no longer as nutrient-rich as they used to be, as the soils on which they grow are depleted. Deficiencies in nutrients such as magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin A, vitamin D and omega 3 are the order of the day. So do something good for your well-being and your figure and make sure you have a sufficient supply of essential nutrients.