Is a colon cleanse really useful? Everything you need to know

Posted: October 08, 2024
Irina  Fink
Irina Fink


People have been using colon cleansing for a long time to strengthen their body's natural detoxification processes, for healthy digestion and to improve their general quality of life. The ancient Egyptians used water to cleanse the intestinal tissue ("colonic irrigation") as early as 1500 BC.

Why colon cleansing?

To remove accumulated waste products and to rehydrate old stools that have been compressed. Most methods use water to soften hardened stools so that they can be excreted more easily.

Colon cleansing - regardless of the type - is always about supporting the digestive organs in such a way that they can perform their function optimally. This involves removing all residues and obstacles that prevent normal bowel function. Not everyone necessarily needs to do a colon cleanse. However, some benefit from it in a special way and remove waste products, harmful bacterial build-up and toxic end products from their body.


What is the purpose of a colon cleanse?

Billions of bacteria (microflora) live in the intestine, making up to 70 percent of the dry weight of our feces. However, these bacteria are not only needed for the formation of stool. They live in the gut and digestive tract and are responsible for nutrient absorption, maintaining pH levels, regulating hunger and fighting harmful bacteria. These are the reasons why healthy bowel function is so important for our general well-being.


Are bowel cleanses really necessary? 

Our digestive system has its own mechanisms for eliminating waste products. Nevertheless, many people have problems with regular bowel movements. There are many reasons for this, ranging from poor intestinal health, allergies or pesticide ingestion to inflammation of the digestive system.

It is estimated that between 15 and 20 percent of all adults worldwide suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Chronic constipation is one of the most common digestive problems and affects around 42 million people in the USA alone.

Those most affected are:

  • People who have a poor diet
  • Women during pregnancy
  • Seniors
  • Patients recovering from an operation
  • and anyone who regularly takes medication

If you do not have a bowel movement at least once a day, a bowel cleansing may be an option for you.

It is now well known that many health problems stem from poor digestive health, such as stomach pain, abdominal cramps, chronic fatigue, constipation, weakness, headaches and allergic reactions. All of these complaints can be traced back, at least in part, to problems with the elimination of waste products.

An impaired gut can lead to sluggishness, irritability, fatigue, brain fog and fluctuations in appetite. The cause is that food and waste particles that are not removed can lead to the formation of mucus in the intestine, in which bacteria accumulate and ferment. As a result, toxins filtered from the blood are returned to the bloodstream. Irregular bowel movements can also lead to malabsorption of nutrients, which can result in patients suffering from weakness and other symptoms.

How does a colon cleanse work?

The large intestine is flushed. This is located between the small intestine and the anus. Its task is to remove stool from the body. This consists of a combination of bacteria, water, unutilized nutrients, unused electrolytes and digested food residues.

If you would like to perform a colon cleansing, there are various options available to you:

  • Colonic irrigation
  • Inlets
  • Colon hydrotherapy

You can also effectively flush your colon by doing a juice fast, a salt water flush or an enema. Colon cleanses can be divided into two broad categories:

  • those for which you need the help of medical professionals,
  • as well as those that you can do on your own.

One of the most common reasons for a professional colon cleanse is in preparation for a medical procedure (e.g. a colonoscopy), where the colon needs to be completely free of accumulated debris. On the other hand, many people cleanse their colon at home using enemas, laxatives or special herbal mixtures to relieve constipation, bloating and other digestive problems.

In many procedures, a tube is inserted into the rectum through which large amounts of water are passed, which then makes its way through the colon. The water flushes out all deposits. The exact amount of water or liquid depends on the method used. Some require up to 60 liters of water!

What are the benefits of a colon cleanse?

There are countless reports on the effectiveness of colon cleansing. After all, this method of optimization was already known in ancient Greece. However, the American Journal of Gastroenterology notes that only a few well-controlled human studies have been conducted on the benefits of colon cleansingDespite this, millions of people use this method every year to improve their health. If done correctly, there are no significant risks. In particular, for people who do not experience lasting relief even when taking laxatives or prescription medication, a colon cleanse can finally bring the desired results and lead to regular bowel movements and symptom relief.

Studies show that bowel movements are important for removing bacteria, detoxifying heavy metals and removing excess fatty acids from the body. A bowel cleansing can also have a positive effect on the nervous system and help with symptoms such as anxiety and fatigue.

Yes, you read that right: Your bowel movements can affect your mood! This is because the nerves in the colon communicate with the brain and influence chemical signals that are sent throughout the central nervous system throughout the body. A well-functioning colon is therefore important for hormone balance, appetite control, sleep and mental processing.

Some enemas can also help the body to absorb nutrients better. This is the case, for example, with a colon cleansing with coffee: antioxidants and caffeine reach the liver via the hemorrhoidal vein. There they help to open the blood vessels, improve blood circulation, relax the smooth muscles, regulate bowel movements and increase the production of bile, which is necessary for good digestion and elimination.

Infographic colon cleansing

Comparison of different bowel cleanses

Depending on the method chosen, a colon cleanse takes between 20 and 90 minutes. Some people respond better to the treatment and see better results than others. You should also bear in mind that the effectiveness of a colon cleanse can be increased by performing it more frequently and that it is easier to perform overall. At first, many people struggle to introduce and retain so much fluid. However, the more you study and learn to do a colon cleanse correctly, the more beneficial you will find it.

Before you decide, you should learn more about the different methods, how they work and what effects they have on your digestive system. It is very important to know that not only water can be used. Various salt solutions, herbs or acidic solutions are also used to rid the body of waste products.

Basics of the most popular colon cleansing methods:

Colonic irrigation

  • Colonic irrigations have been performed for more than 100 years - usually by trained personnel or colon hydrotherapists. You often go to a practice or treatment center.
  • Colonic irrigation uses large quantities of water to flush the bowel. Usually, significantly more water is used than with all other methods - for example, twelve times the amount required for an enema.
  • On the other hand, this procedure is considered to be the most effective, as the entire bowel is flushed. However, it also takes up to two hours and cannot be carried out independently at home.
  • You can choose between various forms of colonic irrigation, some of which use special pressure devices or make use of gravity - as is the case with the most common type of colonic irrigation. The amount of water that is introduced into the body and excreted is precisely controlled. The abdomen is also massaged to help break up hard stools and promote muscle relaxation.
  • During a colonic irrigation, you lie flat on the treatment table while a trained specialist inserts a small, oiled speculum (mirror) into your bowel. Two tubes are attached to this to control the release of water. You are then usually left alone so that you can check the amount of water released yourself. If you wish, you can even see what is being flushed out of your body. After the flush, you can stay in the bathroom until you feel safe.
  • Colonic irrigations that work with pressure are less gentle. This is because the water flow is controlled manually.

Colonic irrigation compared to enemas

  • Colonic irrigations require the supervision of medical professionals and are often performed in hospitals or doctors' surgeries. You can perform an enema at home on your own. This method is therefore particularly suitable for those who are uncomfortable with the idea of having a bowel cleansing performed in the presence of others. What's more, enemas don't cost much and you can buy the appropriate kits at the drugstore.
  • With enemas, you cleanse your bowels using a liquid (usually water) that flushes out accumulated waste products. Compared to colonic irrigation, enemas are a gentler method that only cleanses a specific region of the bowel (the left side, the descending colon).
  • The most common solution is simply water. However, you can also use a salt solution, apple cider vinegar or even coffee.
  • To perform an enema, insert the pointed side of the tube into your colon and release the desired amount of liquid. Lie down and wait until you feel the urge to go to the toilet. This may happen more frequently over the course of an hour or two.


  • Hydrotherapy" is the term used to describe the use of water to treat illnesses or maintain health. The idea behind it is that water itself has healing properties. In combination with other substances such as coffee or salt, it also provides important nutrients such as antioxidants and trace elements.
  • In principle, water is used in hydrotherapy for colon cleansing in the same way as for a colonic irrigation or enema. The water promotes the elimination of waste products, relieves constipation, improves energy levels, treats dehydration and in some cases provides important minerals.

Are colon cleanses safe?

In the UK, around 5,600 colonic irrigations are carried out every month. Surprisingly, there are no reports of side effects. Colonics are perfectly safe for most people, but some people should avoid them.

Pregnant women, people with active hemorrhoids, kidney disease or dehydration may experience side effects such as weakness, dizziness, cramps, bloating, nausea and vomiting. If colonic irrigation is performed too frequently, electrolyte balance may be disturbed or your rectum may become prone to tearing and bleeding.

It is very important that absolutely clean materials are used for the procedure in order to minimize the risk of bacterial transmission and resulting infections.

Initially, you should not perform colonic irrigations or enemas more than once a month. Talk to your doctor if you want to use the procedure more frequently, especially to treat certain conditions or if you are taking medication. Be sure to seek medical advice if you suffer from any form of irritable bowel syndrome such as Crohn's disease, diverticulitis or ulcerative colitis.

You should also take probiotics as a precaution after a colon cleanse to promote the colonization of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. You should also drink plenty of water and eat electrolyte-rich foods such as fruit and vegetables. This will prevent kidney, liver or heart problems, which occur when your body has too little water, salt or electrolytes such as magnesium or potassium.

When using laxatives or herbs to cleanse the bowel, you should know that some are safer than others. We recommend using natural laxatives such as herbal supplements, for example psyllium husk, magnesium, aloe vera or collagen protein. These generally work more gently than over-the-counter laxatives and also nourish the digestive tract, promoting regular bowel movements. Keep a close eye on how you react to each remedy and pay particular attention to signs of dehydration, muscle weakness, dizziness or excessive thirst.

Carrying out a colon cleanse correctly

First of all, you should know that the best way to detoxify and cleanse your gut is to avoid ingesting harmful substances through your diet in the first place. We therefore recommend a nutrient-rich diet with real food.


Some products impair the function of the digestive system and can cause inflammation in the intestines:

  • Prepared food
  • Fast food
  • Processed snacks
  • artificial ingredients (glucose-fructose syrup, hydrogenated fats, artificial colors, monosodium glutamate or preservatives)

Replace these products with these gut-friendly foods:

  • fermented, probiotic foods (yogurt, cultivated vegetables such as kimchi or sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha)
  • Fiber-rich foods such as seeds, leafy greens and other fresh vegetables
  • fresh fruit (especially berries, apples or pears, which contain pectin)
  • Bone broth
  • healthy fats such as coconut or extra virgin olive oil and avocados (very high in electrolytes and fiber)
  • Vegetable soups, smoothies, salads with a high water and fiber content (easily digestible) 

Colonic irrigation:

Colonic irrigations should always be carried out under medical supervision. It is extremely important that the instructions are followed exactly and that hygienically safe materials are used. Pregnant women, children or people with kidney disease or hemorrhoids should not undergo a colonic irrigation.

What can you expect from a colonic irrigation?

This type of bowel cleansing does not normally cause pain or too much discomfort, as a lubricant is used when the tube is inserted. Nevertheless, you will feel some pressure. It may also take several hours for your condition to return to normal.

When using an enema:

For an enema (with water, coffee, apple cider vinegar or another liquid), you first need a bowel cleansing kit that contains at least one type of tube for insertion and a bag or bucket for the liquid. There is a clamp on the tube that you insert into your rectum, which you can use to regulate the amount of liquid. If you spend a little more money, you can get higher quality sets that come with a cap that allows you to better control how much fluid you are feeding yourself.

If you want to perform enemas regularly, we recommend purchasing a reusable set as opposed to disposable bottles. Some people prefer sets that contain a kind of bucket. This is because you have to hang a bag up in some way, for example on a towel rail in the bathroom. Buckets are also easier to clean than bags, but they are also more expensive.

Stainless steel buckets are more hygienic than plastic buckets or bags and are also reusable. Sets that include a bag are generally cheaper, especially if you want to dispose of it after the enema. This option is also good for on the go.

Get all the materials you need and follow these step-by-step instructions for an enema at home:

  1. Prepare the liquid: Coffee, a pre-made solution, filtered water... Most experts recommend filtered water as they believe it poses fewer risks than tap water (which contains trace elements or chemicals). Allow warm solutions such as coffee to cool before use - slightly above room temperature is ideal.
  2. Find a place where you feel comfortable and where you can lie down for about 15 minutes. Many people choose the bathroom because of its proximity to the toilet. Make sure you have enough towels, washcloths, soap and cleaning products ready so that you can clean everything quickly if necessary.
  3. Remove the bucket or bag from your kit and place or hang it about one meter above the ground so that you can take advantage of gravity to push the liquid out. Pour the prepared solution into the bucket or bag. Keep the hose and nozzle closed.
  4. Place the lever on the hose and nozzle to start and stop the enema. Lubricate the tip of the enema nozzle with a lubricant such as coconut oil. Lie on your right side in the child position and insert the nozzle approx. 2.5 cm deep into your rectum.
  5. Open the valve and slowly insert the liquid from the bag/bucket into your bowel. Assume a comfortable position for approx. 15 to 30 minutes and keep the liquid with you until you need to go to the toilet.

Colon cleansing - the short version

  • Colon cleansing - regardless of the type - is always about supporting the digestive organs in such a way that they can perform their function optimally. This involves removing all residues and obstacles that prevent normal bowel function.
  • If you do not have a bowel movement at least once a day, a colon cleanse may be an option for you. It is now well known that many health problems stem from poor digestive health, such as stomach pain, abdominal cramps, fatigue, constipation, weakness, headaches and allergic reactions. All of these complaints can be traced back, at least in part, to problems with the elimination of waste products.
  • If you would like to perform a colon cleansing, there are various options available to you: Colonic irrigations, colon therapies or colon hydrotherapy. You can also effectively flush your colon by doing a juice fast or by using a saltwater flush or enema. Colon cleanses can be divided into two broad categories: those that require the help of a professional and those that you can do on your own.
  • Colonic irrigations are considered to be particularly effective as the entire bowel is flushed.
  • With enemas, you cleanse your bowels with the help of a liquid (usually water), which flushes out accumulated waste products. Compared to colonic irrigation, enemas are a gentler method that only cleanses a specific region of the bowel (the left side, the descending colon).
  • The idea behind this is that water itself has healing properties. In combination with other substances such as coffee or salt, it also provides important nutrients such as antioxidants and trace elements.


Sources (in English):

Gonzalez-Correa, C. A., Mulett-Vasquez, E., Miranda, D. A., Gonzalez-Correa, C. H. & Gomez-Buitrago, P. A. (2017, October). The colon revisited or the key to wellness, health and disease. Medical Hypotheses, 108:133-143, doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2017.07.032

Acosta, R. D. & Cash, B. D. (2009, November). Clinical effects of colonic cleansing for general health promotion: a systematic review. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 104(11):2830-6; quiz 2837, doi: 10.1038/ajg.2009.494

Jalanka, J., Salonen, A., Salojarvi, J., Ritari, J., Immonen, O., Marciani, L. et al. (2015, October). Effects of bowel cleansing on the intestinal microbiota. Gut, 64(10):1562-8, doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2014-307240

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Parra-Blanco, A., Ruiz, A., Alvarez-Lobos, M., Amoros, A., Gana, J. C., Ibanez, P. et al. (2014, December). Achieving the best bowel preparation for colonoscopy. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 20(47):17709-26, doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i47.17709

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