How does a lack of exercise increase the risk of premature death?

Posted: October 08, 2024
Alexander  Schmidt
Alexander Schmidt


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 60% of the world's population is already insufficiently physically active. The fight against this lack of physical activity is becoming increasingly important: the latest research findings indicate that a lack of physical activity not only increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and a wide range of cancers, but also significantly increases the risk of premature death. A recent scientific study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition by researchers at the University of Cambridge shows that a lack of exercise is responsible for more than twice as many deaths as obesity, and that even a small increase in physical activity is associated with significant health benefits.

The link between lack of exercise and premature death

For their study, the researchers from the University of Cambridge analyzed data from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study - for the purpose of which 334,161 Europeans were surveyed over an average period of 12 years regarding their height, weight, hip circumference and physical activity.

They came to the following conclusions:

  • Obesity, determined by a body mass index (BMI) of more than 30, is the cause of over 337,000 deaths a year in Europe.
  • In comparison, lack of exercise is responsible for 676,000 deaths - more than twice as many deaths per year.
  • In addition, people who are physically active have a lower risk of premature death.


The greatest reduction in the risk of death was shown in the comparison between inactive and moderately active people. It was found that burning an additional 90 to 110 calories per day through light physical exertion - roughly equivalent to the amount the human body consumes during a brisk 20-minute walk - is sufficient to be classified as a moderately active person and can therefore reduce the risk of premature death by 16 to 30%. People of normal weight can benefit the most from additional exercise, but people with a higher BMI can also benefit from a lower risk of death.

Professor Ulf Ekelund, a member of the Medical Research Council in the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Cambridge, explains: "It's simple: even a small increase in physical activity for inactive people can have significant health benefits. Although we have found that just 20 minutes of extra exercise makes a difference, we should try to do even more. Physical activity brings many benefits to our health and should be an important part of our daily lives."

How physical activity can protect your health

Physical activity therefore has a direct impact on many biological processes in the human body. It can help to maintain a balanced body weight, improve the body's insulin absorption, regulate blood pressure, normalize blood lipid and sugar levels, control blood clotting factors, protect the health of blood vessels, inhibit inflammation and thus help to protect the cardiovascular system. This is also confirmed by a report from the World Heart Federation: According to this report, a middle-aged woman who is physically active for less than one hour per week is twice as likely to die from cardiovascular disease than a comparable person of the same age who is physically active for one hour or more per week.
In addition, physical activity can also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, according to the National Cancer Institute, several studies show a positive correlation between physical activity and a lower risk of developing cervical, prostate and lung cancer.
If you are already physically active, keep it up! If, on the other hand, you are a physically inactive person, make a change! Start with a brisk 20-minute evening walk, for example, because every physical activity counts and helps your health.



The Journal of Natural Longevity (2015). Physical Inactivity Increases Your Risk of Premature Death. Quantum Wellness Botanical Institute: Beverly Hills, CA