Milk thistle - fighting liver disease naturally

Posted: August 01, 2024
Dr. med. Wolfgang  Bachmann
Dr. med. Wolfgang Bachmann

General practitioner

Milk thistle is considered one of the most important medicinal plants of all. This is precisely why it was named Medicinal Plant of the Year 2021 by the Herbal Medicinal Products Platform Austria.

Milk thistle and in particular the active ingredient silymarin, have been valued for their liver-protecting effect since the 19th century. Since then, the medicinal plant has been very popular when it comes to treating chronic liver problems, lifestyle-related fatty liver disease and other liver ailments.


According to the German Liver Foundation, at least 5 million people in Germany alone are affected by liver disease!

Stop the liver strain!

Our lifestyle in particular puts extreme strain on the liver. Probably the worst enemies for the liver include alcohol, fatty and unhealthy food, obesity, diabetes mellitus, environmental toxins, certain medicines and viruses. As a metabolic organ and detoxification center, the liver is in constant use every day to detoxify and cleanse the body of these factors. 

Up to a certain point, the liver is able to regenerate itself and does everything it can to fulfill its important tasks. However, permanent stress can eventually lead to liver damage

Unfortunately, liver damage is often not recognized for a long time, as the symptoms can be very unspecific. These include, for example, tiredness or difficulty concentrating. If there is damage, it is already high time to do something about it.

This is precisely why you should support your liver at an early stage and, above all, preventively. Because if the damage is too great, the liver can no longer fulfill its function. 

 Liver diseases are among the most common human health problems!


Detoxifying the liver with milk thistle

  • Milk thistle supports and relieves the liver in a naturally powerful way and stimulates its ability to regenerate
  • Important bodily functions can run smoothly again - such as our immune system and our digestion, as nutrients can be better absorbed again.
  • After a detox you feel less tired and are more efficient again
  • Your skin becomes more beautiful and cleaner
  • Liver disorders such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can be significantly improved with the help of silymarin (a component of milk thistle).

TIP: In order to maximize the effect of milk thistle, treatment with silymarin or milk thistle should be initiated as early as possible in cases of liver disease, as the liver's regenerative capacity is still at its highest at this time.

➤ Buy milk thistle capsules now!

Silymarin - the key to a healthy liver!

There are numerous studies that prove the effectiveness of silymarin for liver complaints.

Preclinical data indicate that silymarin can reduce oxidative stress and thus protect intact or not yet irreversibly damaged liver cells. Silymarin acts as a radical scavenger and thus helps with cellular damage, fibrosis or cirrhosis. This has been observed in studies in patients with alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and in patients with cirrhosis. 

In a recent study from 2021, data from patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease - a very common disease in the general population - was examined. The result was that silymarin led to significantly better liver values in those affected.

Silymarin can significantly improve liver complaints!

Silymarin in high concentration

According to the European Pharmacopoeia, milk thistle products should contain a minimum content of 1.5% silymarin. Our milk thistle capsules contain a particularly high amount of it - 80% to be precise.

➤ Buy artichoke thistle capsules now!

Attention healing crisis!

Detoxifying the body therefore has many benefits. However, many people report that they experience discomfort at the beginning of detoxification. They experience the so-called healing crisis, which can be more or less pronounced. These include malaise, headaches, diarrhea and fatigue. But this does not necessarily have to be the case! 

➤  A healing crisis indicates an overstraining of the body!


How does a healing crisis occur and how can it be avoided?

The detoxification organ liver filters toxins from the blood and transports the waste products together with the bile into the digestive tract. In the small intestine, however, nutrients are absorbed. This means that toxins are also reabsorbed and return to the bloodstream. This cycle leads to renewed acute intoxication of the body and the symptoms of a healing crisis set in.

Does it always have to be like this? No!

A healing crisis can be prevented by having fiber (e.g. psyllium husks) waiting in the intestine to bind the toxins. If the waste products are absorbed, they no longer enter the bloodstream but are excreted in the stool. The healing crisis is prevented. 

This is the best way to support your body during detoxification:

  • Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins
  • Take additional alkaline baths to eliminate toxins through the skin
  • Take fiber to bind the toxins in the small intestine

➤ Order colon cleansing capsules with psyllium now!


Unfortunately, liver disease is usually not recognized for a long time. As a result, the liver is severely overloaded and can no longer fulfill its function properly. You should therefore support your liver regularly and prevent liver problems at an early stage. Also make sure that you do not put unnecessary strain on your liver, for example through a poor diet, alcohol or being overweight. Also remember to drink enough, take fiber and possibly take alkaline baths to avoid a healing crisis.



Sources (in English):

Shaker, E., Mahmoud, H., & Mnaa, S. (2010). Silymarin, the antioxidant component and Silybum marianum extracts prevent liver damageFood and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association48(3), 803–806.

Deutsche Leberstiftung Lebererkrankungen – vielfältige Ursachen

Gillessen, A., & Schmidt, H. H. (2020). Silymarin as Supportive Treatment in Liver Diseases: A Narrative ReviewAdvances in therapy37(4), 1279–1301.

Kalopitas, G., Antza, C., Doundoulakis, I., Siargkas, A., Kouroumalis, E., Germanidis, G., Samara, M., & Chourdakis, M. (2021). Impact of Silymarin in individuals with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A systematic review and meta-analysisNutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.)83, 111092.