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General practitioner
The healing effects of MSM are increasingly being reported by doctors, clinics and the media, as well as by word of mouth. MSM is said to bring relief from pain, allergies, stress, neurological diseases and much more.
As popular as it is with many, it is also criticized. But what is behind it? Is the criticism justified? What can and cannot be expected from taking MSM?
The most important facts in brief:
MSM is the abbreviation for methylsulfonylmethane, also known as dimethylsulfone in German-speaking countries. It is an organic sulphur compound that is biologically active in all living organisms and supplies our bodies with sulphur. It is an odorless, white, crystalline powder that is very easily soluble in hot water.
In an adult man of average height and weight, around 140 g of sulphur is distributed throughout the body. Almost half of this is found in muscle tissue, skin and bones. "Normal" adults excrete 4 to 11 mg of MSM in their urine every day.
➤ Sulphur compounds have been used since the Middle Ages to preserve food for longer. Wine, dried fruit and fruit juices are still sulphurized today.
As already mentioned at the beginning, MSM is not a panacea. Nevertheless, many positive effects can be demonstrated. These vary from person to person and can be of varying degrees.
MSM is a natural part of our diet and is found in animal and plant foods. Foods with a higher MSM content are cow's milk, coffee, tomatoes and beer.
Studies that have investigated the effect of MSM as a dietary supplement show that MSM can help a variety of ailments: MSM can help with a variety of complaints.
The fact that MSM is a highly effective painkiller that helps with many types of chronic pain is probably the most remarkable discovery about the effects of MSM.
In March 1999, Drs. Stanley W. Jacob and Ronald M. Lawrence published "The Miracle of MSM: The Natural Solution to Pain" based on their experience as physicians and MSM researchers. Dr. Jacob is the director of the DMSO Pain Clinic in Portland (USA) and a professor at the Oregon University of Health Sciences; Dr. Lawrence is the founder of the International Association for the Study of Pain and the American Association for the Study of Headaches.
Together, they have more than 20 years of experience in treating pain with MSM. They found that of over 18,000 patients suffering from chronic pain, 70% benefited from taking the mineral in the long term, with the pain either being reduced or disappearing completely.
The following types of pain were successfully treated:
Synergy is the interaction of different substances. When MSM is combined with vitamins or other nutrients, their effect is enhanced. Examples of this are
Our nutrient supply can be positively influenced by organic sulphur, as MSM improves the absorption of the above-mentioned nutrients at cellular level and increases their effectiveness. This allows the body to better utilize the nutrients - making dietary supplements more effective and reducing the necessary dosage.
➤ Sulphur is the most abundant mineral in the human body after calcium and phosphorus.
MSM is a powerful antioxidant that is able to bind and neutralize free radicals.
But what are free radicals?
Free radicals are not fundamentally harmful, as life would not be possible without them. They are necessary for the energy production of cells. The liver, for example, produces free radicals when it breaks down harmful substances, and the body's own immune system uses free radicals to eliminate viruses and bacteria. There are antioxidants in the body that bind free radicals - normal free radical formation in healthy people is therefore harmless.
However, excessive production of free radicals can be very harmful . It can trigger a chain reaction that can severely damage cell membranes and chromosomes. This overproduction is triggered by physical and emotional stress, poor diet, air pollution, heavy metals and organic pollutants in drinking water or food, radiation and cigarette smoke. In such cases, the body needs additional antioxidants from food. MSM is one such antioxidant.
Stress not only affects the psyche, but also the body. Sulphur-containing compounds such as MSM play an important role in supporting our immune system. Methylsulfonylmethane has a positive influence on our immune response as it contributes to the interplay between oxidative stress and inflammation. Chronic exposure to various stress factors can have a negative effect on our immune system. It is then no longer able to produce a normal immune response.
The stress hormone cortisol, which is produced in the adrenal cortex, increases blood sugar levels and impairs digestion. Cortisol also affects anxiety, drive and mood. A permanent release of cortisol can have a negative effect on the body and psyche: Heart disease, weight gain and depression are the result. Permanent stress should therefore be reduced as much as possible. This is possible with MSM:
So-called "adaptogenic plants" can help with stress management. The sulphur compound MSM has a similar effect. It supports recovery after sporting activities, stressful events, injuries and even operations. Taking MSM does not make you tired, on the contrary: it can even help to increase energy and reduce the feeling of exhaustion. In addition, through its antioxidant properties and its role in glutathione metabolism, MSM can indirectly influence hormone balance by improving the body's response to oxidative stress and inflammation. This effect can be particularly helpful in regulating stress hormones such as cortisol, which can lead to improved stress resistance and the restoration of hormonal balance.
Many people who take MSM report that they feel better, stronger and more efficient.
MSM not only has a detoxifying effect by supporting the mucous membranes in the elimination of toxins, but also has a positive effect on cell membranes. By increasing their permeability, MSM promotes both the efficient absorption of essential nutrients and the elimination of harmful toxins from the cells. This improvement in cellular detoxification capacity makes MSM one of the most powerful detoxifying agents recommended by many doctors. In addition, MSM has the ability to reduce water retention in the body, which is supported by the facilitated elimination of fluid and toxins and thus contributes to detoxification and anti-inflammation.
A striking example of the detoxifying effect of MSM is the story of a young artist who sought psychiatric treatment for mental health problems exacerbated by antidepressants. An HLB blood test revealed heavy metal exposure from the paints used in his art. On the advice of his doctor, he switched to a high-dose MSM intake of 15 grams per day, supplemented by weekly Ayurvedic sweat baths for detoxification. After just two months, microscopic blood tests showed a normalization of the values and the artist experienced a noticeable improvement in his state of health, which underlines the versatile effect of MSM.
The mineral alleviates the symptoms of a variety of allergies, including food allergies, contact allergies and respiratory allergies. The most important anti-allergic property of MSM is its ability to bind with the mucous membrane and create a natural barrier between the organism and the allergens. In addition, MSM also alleviates allergies due to its well-known detoxifying properties and ability to eliminate free radicals.
Several researchers have found that the mineral also acts as a histamine blocker. It is a very good alternative to conventional antihistamines, but does not have the usual side effects such as tiredness.
The brain is very sensitive to toxins such as heavy metals, but also to organic toxins. Many of these compounds tend to accumulate in the nerve cells, where they can cause severe oxidative damage. This can lead to neurological disorders.
MSM is one of the few antioxidants that can easily cross the blood-brain barrier. It protects against oxidative damage, prevents it and restores the elasticity and permeability of cell membranes. In this way, the nerve cells can break down harmful substances.
Sulphur is also known as the "beauty mineral" because it ensures soft, youthful skin and shiny, strong hair. Sulphur is needed to form collagen and keratin, two proteins that are essential for health in general and for skin, hair and nails in particular.
Several experiments have shown that certain dermatological complaints, including allergies, can be alleviated by including MSM in the diet. The oral intake of MSM capsules has had a positive effect on the treatment of acne, rosacea and dry, flaky or itchy skin.
MSM effectively combats inflammation caused by autoimmune reactions. In an autoimmune reaction, the immune system turns against itself, so to speak. This is why people with arthritis, for example, benefit greatly from MSM. Several studies have shown that the regular intake or use of MSM products significantly reduces joint degradation and the associated inflammation.
In a study on mice with a predisposition to rheumatoid arthritis, researchers found that no degeneration of joint cartilage occurred in mice that were given water with a three percent MSM solution for three months. In contrast, in the control group, which only received normal drinking water, 50% of the animals suffered from localized joint cartilage degeneration. Almost all animals (95%) showed inflammatory reactions in the inner layer of the joint capsule, while the MSM group showed significantly less inflammation.
The health-promoting effect of MSM is partly due to the fact that it increases the permeability of cell membranes. This allows harmful substances such as lactic acid or toxins to escape and good nutrients to enter the cell. This prevents the build-up of pressure in the cells that leads to inflammation in the joints.
The effectiveness of MSM against parasites such as giardia, trichomonads, roundworms, threadworms, pinworms and other intestinal worms is one of the most amazing discoveries.
How exactly can this effect be described?
The most important antiparasitic property of methylsulfonylmethane is its ability to bind to mucous membranes - for example the intestinal mucosa - and thus form a natural blockade between host and parasite. It is as if the mineral coats the mucous membrane with a layer that is impenetrable to parasites and to which they cannot attach. When this happens, they are simply flushed out of the body.
Many naturopaths are very concerned about parasites. It is becoming increasingly clear that parasites are a common cause of poisoning, which can spread throughout the body and attack the immune system. It is therefore intriguing that MSM is a natural means of protection against parasites.
Sulphur is a component of insulin, a hormone that is produced in the pancreas and is of crucial importance for carbohydrate metabolism.
Insufficient dietary intake of sulphur can lead to low production of bioactive insulin. Studies suggest that MSM increases the uptake of cellular glucose by improving cell permeability. In this way, the mineral helps to keep blood sugar levels in balance, maintain the normal function of the pancreas and thus prevent diabetes.
MSM has a slightly laxative and stool-softening effect when consumed in large quantities.
One study showed that at least 75% of people taking antacids or H2 histamine receptor antagonists for an acidic stomach were able to significantly reduce the amount of medication within a week by taking MSM as a dietary supplement.
In another study, 21 test subjects with constipation problems were given 500 mg of MSM daily together with one gram of ascorbic acid each. Normal bowel function was restored in all of them for as long as the mineral was included in their diet.
Studies such as these suggest that MSM often helps with constipation or stomach acidity better than conventional medication. There is ample evidence that one of the most important benefits of the mineral is that it works quickly and effectively against stomach acidity and constipation.
MSM enables the body to absorb oxygen more efficiently:
In one study, seven people with respiratory problems took MSM in various doses ranging from 250 to 1,500 mg per day. Five of these people suffered from emphysema (over-inflation of the lungs, in which the air sacs merge to form larger air sacs) and two from a lung tumor with additional impairment due to too much pleural fluid (fluid between the lungs and pleura). These two patients had already received radiotherapy and chemotherapy without any visible improvement. Before and during the test period, the five emphysema patients had to walk a certain distance that they could physically manage without difficulty.
Four weeks after starting to take MSM, all five patients were able to at least double this distance. In the two patients with lung tumors, the treating doctors and nurses noticed an increase in performance compared to the start of the test. What was particularly astonishing, however, was that the lung fluid had disappeared in the first month of the test phase.
As MSM is not a medicine, there is no precise dosage recommendation. In principle, however, the dosage varies depending on the reason for taking it, weight and age. The advantage of our MSM powder is that you can quickly adjust the dosage depending on the reason for taking it. You can take higher or lower quantities as required. MSM in powder form is also beneficial for people who do not like swallowing capsules. With MSM capsules, the bitter taste of the sulphur compound is less noticeable and the dosage is easier. The decision for a particular dosage form therefore depends heavily on personal preference.
MSM is not a dietary supplement with an immediate noticeable effect. Exactly when an effect occurs depends on the reason for taking it, weight and age. With regular intake and a healthy diet, initial successes can be noticeable after a few days to a week. For more serious symptoms, a longer-term intake is recommended.
According to scientific studies and experience reports, the side effects of taking MSM are generally mild and initially manifest themselves mainly in the form of mild detoxification reactions such as
These symptoms usually subside within a week.
A small percentage, less than 20%, of people taking MSM report mild discomfort in the first few days of taking it. This is often interpreted as an indication of the body's detoxification capacity: The more pronounced the initial symptoms, the higher the load of stored toxins is likely to be, which could signal an increased need for MSM to support the detoxification process. For more severe detoxification symptoms, a temporary reduction in dose may be appropriate, followed by a gradual increase as symptoms subside.
Specific side effects such as palpitations are extremely rare and are not directly associated with MSM. However, if unusual reactions such as an increased heart rate occur, this should be taken as an opportunity to review the intake and seek medical advice if necessary. In general, MSM is well tolerated and excess, unneeded sulphur is simply excreted from the body, as it does not accumulate in the body.
The intake of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is not recommended for certain groups of people due to possible interactions and side effects.
People taking blood-thinning medication in particular should refrain from taking MSM. The combination of MSM with these medications can lead to undesirable effects on the cardiovascular system, such as an increased tendency to bleed or other complications.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women are also advised not to take MSM. The effects of MSM on the unborn child or infant have not been sufficiently researched, so increased caution is required here in order to avoid possible risks to the child's development.
The use of MSM is also not recommended for children. Since the safety and efficacy of MSM has not been extensively studied in this age group, there is a possibility of unknown side effects that could affect the growth and health of children.
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