Electromagnetic radiation: Do electromagnetic fields pose a risk?

Posted: August 01, 2024
Irina  Fink
Irina Fink


Is electromagnetic radiation really safe? There is a high probability that you are actually in an electromagnetic field (EMF) right now. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences describes electromagnetic fields as invisible energy fields, often called "radiation," associated with electrical energy and various forms of natural and artificial light.

In our modern everyday lives, we are constantly exposed to electromagnetic radiation. But what is it actually? And is electromagnetic radiation safe?

Some forms of this radiation are largely known to be harmful, but other types are not quite so straightforward. In this article, we will discuss the different types and explain which are safe and which are not, according to experts.

Basically, many different devices generate electromagnetic fields:

  • Microwave ovens
  • Cell phones
  • Cordless telephones
  • Smart (electricity) meters
  • Televisions and radios
  • Computer
  • Power cable
  • Fitness bracelets
  • routers and - of course - ultraviolet
  • X-rays and gamma rays.

To a certain extent, we are constantly enveloped in EMF.


What is electromagnetic radiation?

  • Electric fields are caused by voltage fluctuations
  • Magnetic fields arise due to an electric current flow

The greater the electric field or magnetic field, the stronger the electromagnetic radiation. An electric field can also exist without current. It remains constant even with current, but the magnetic field varies in terms of its power consumption.

This can be illustrated quite well using an example: Let's assume you are out and about with your cell phone and use it as a navigation device. The more power your device has to deliver, the greater the electrical and magnetic field it generates. Numerous processes are required to maintain a stable connection - one reason why the battery capacity dwindles so quickly. A lot of energy is needed to generate (find and maintain) a signal. The problem is that this type of energy generates harmful microwaves that can create free radicals in the body if the energy source is close to the body.


Non-ionizing radiation

This category of electromagnetic radiation includes low and medium frequency radiation, which is generally considered harmless because it cannot develop the required strength.

types of non-ionizing radiation:

  • Extremely low frequency ranges
  • Radio frequencies (HF)
  • Microwaves
  • visible light

These are broadcast by, among others:

  • Microwave ovens
  • Computers
  • smart electricity meters in residential buildings
  • WLAN networks
  • Cell phones
  • Bluetooth devices
  • Power lines
  • MRI

Ionizing radiation

This form of electromagnetic radiation contains radiation of medium and high frequency ranges, which under certain circumstances can cause cellular damage or, in the case of prolonged exposure, DNA damage.

Types of ionizing radiation are:

  • UV radiation
  • X-rays
  • Gamma rays

Ionizing electromagnetic radiation is generated by, among other things:

  • ultraviolet light
  • X-rays
  • some gamma rays

The World Health Organization (WHO) explains:

  • The time-varying electromagnetic fields of electrical appliances are an example of extremely low frequency (ELF) fields, which generally have frequencies of up to 300 Hz. This includes our entire power supply and all devices that use electricity.
  • Medium-intensity frequency fields (IF fields) range from 300 Hz to 10 MHz. Computer screens, anti-theft devices and security systems fall into this range.
  • Radio frequency (RF) fields cover frequencies from 10 MHz to 300 GHz. Radio, television, radar and mobile phone antennas as well as microwave devices are the main sources of RF fields.

Key points of electromagnetic radiation

  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cell phones, television and radio transmitters and radar generate RF fields. These fields are used to transmit information over long distances and form the basis for telecommunications as well as radio and television transmissions around the world.
  • Microwaves are HF fields with high frequencies in the GHz range. They are used in microwave ovens to heat food quickly.
  • The electromagnetic spectrum includes both natural and man-made sources of electromagnetic fields.
  • Ionizing radiation such as X-rays and gamma rays consists of photons that have enough energy to break molecular bonds. Photons of electromagnetic waves in the current and radio frequency range do not have this ability, as they have a much lower energy.
  • Electromagnetic fields can usually be described more precisely with wavelengths or frequencies than simply with the term "non-ionizing".

Electromagnetic fields comparison table

The National Cancer Institute provides an informative comparison table on its website showing the level of individual EMFs.

Electromagnetic spectrum

It can be clearly seen that power lines and computers generate a low electromagnetic field, whereas this is greater for cell phones and microwave ovens. However, they are all located in the non-ionizing radiation range (on the left). Ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays, which are used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, for example, are in the ionizing radiation range, which can have harmful effects.

Is electromagnetic radiation dangerous? 

With this basic knowledge of electromagnetic fields, we can now highlight individual specific dangers to which you may be exposed. The World Health Organization makes it clear that low-frequency and high-frequency electromagnetic waves affect the human body in different ways.

Cell phones

Have you ever noticed that your phone gets very warm when you use it in the car?

Under high load, i.e. if you have switched on GPS tracking or are on the phone while driving, your phone is working hard to perform all the desired functions. The higher the load, the more cell-damaging microwaves your phone emits into the atmosphere - in the immediate vicinity of your body.

If you think that these rays have no effect on you, you are unfortunately wrong. Researchers carried out two individual studies: one with a 38-year-old vegetarian woman and a second with a 21-year-old woman. Both women put their cell phones in their bras for many years. What do you think happened? Both women developed an aggressive breast cancer in exactly the same place. Unfortunately, comprehensive research results are not yet available on this topic, but according to current knowledge, you should not wear your phone directly on your body.

Microwave ovens

According to the WHO, microwaves are high-frequency radio waves that belong to the electromagnetic spectrum and are therefore - like light - visible radiation. Microwave ovens are generally designed so that microwaves are only generated when the appliance is switched on and the door is closed.

With older or heavily used appliances, however, it cannot be ruled out that microwaves will leak out, so it is advisable to check or maintain them. This is important because our body can absorb the energy generated by microwaves. As a result, free radicals are formed in the body tissue. However, this thermal damage only occurs after prolonged exposure to strong microwaves, which, according to the WHO, far exceeds the radiation emitted by microwave ovens.  

But what effect does microwave radiation have on the food that is prepared with it?

Harvard Health makes it clear that nutrients are best preserved with a short cooking time. In other words, the less time it takes to cook a food, the more nutrients it retains. This means that there is no risk associated with microwaved food, although further research is needed to support this theory.


What about WLAN?

This relatively new technology is considered safe by some organizations, but a threat to public health by others. Technically, these wireless networks operate in the 2.4 GHz frequency range - just like microwave ovens. As already mentioned, a high level of exposure is required to cause negative health effects.

On the other hand, the Environmental Health Trust warns of the dangers of electromagnetic radiation and claims that it contributes to people's individual toxic body burden. The organization points to research showing that the brain's protective barrier - the blood-brain barrier - is compromised by wireless electromagnetic radiation. Several studies suggest that wireless radiation drills holes in this protective barrier, allowing more toxic compounds to reach the brain. 

Doctors and organizations also have concerns about the use of Wi-Fi in schools, as students and teachers are often exposed to high levels of electromagnetic radiation throughout the day. Dr. Stephen Sinatra is a holistic metabolic cardiologist and co-founder of Doctors for Safer Schools. He makes it clear that the heart is also sensitive to this frequency range and can be affected by WLAN (2.4 GHz). These harmful effects can already occur with an exposure to radiation that corresponds to only a fraction of the harmful radiation according to federal guidelines (less than 1 percent). Corresponding measured values were recorded in schools with WLAN technology.

Dr. Sinatra explains that children in high-tech classrooms complained of the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Palpitations or cardiac arrhythmia
  • Weakness
  • Fears
  • Tiredness
  • Powerlessness
  • Concentration difficulties
  • Pain or feeling of pressure in the chest 

Power lines

In the case of power lines, the American Cancer Society makes it clear that the strength of electromagnetic radiation decreases with increasing distance. Radiation from power lines is highest when you are directly under them. The frequency is usually the same as some household appliances. If a power line is across your home and you are now concerned, you can measure the radiation intensity with a gaussmeter.

Regardless of the actual source of radiation, the problem is not as big as you might think. Nevertheless, certain precautions can't hurt. The Environmental Protection Agency also makes it clear that various frequencies are subject to government regulation. This applies, for example, to electromagnetic fields generated by "cell phones, power lines, smart meters, and other wireless devices, which are subject to a combination of specific regulations from state and federal agencies."

Four major dangers of electromagnetic fields 

1. electromagnetic radiation can be carcinogenic

There are reports that electromagnetic fields, such as those generated by cell phones, WLAN routers and microwave ovens, can be carcinogenic. However, there is still a great need for scientific research in this area. In one study, scientists investigated the causes of childhood leukemia and found that electromagnetic fields can expose children to a higher risk of developing harmful carcinogens. The results of another study were inconclusive. In conclusion, further independent studies are needed to obtain precise findings.

Preliminary results of a large government study published in 2016 with a budget of over 25 million dollars suggest that cell phone radiation could increase the risk of malignant gliomas in the brain and schwannomas in the ear. (Schwannomas are rare tumors located in the nerve sheath.) The study showed that there is a dose-dependent effect. In other words, the higher the dose, the higher the risk. The results confirm earlier studies that suggest that radiation from cell phones could increase the risk of gliomas. Acoustic neuromas have also been linked to the use of cell phones.

Dr. Otis W. Brawley, Chief Medical Officer of the American Cancer Society, called the results of this study conducted on rats "good science" and published this statement:

The NTP report linking radiofrequency radiation (RFR) to two types of cancer marks a paradigm shift in our understanding of radiation and the associated cancer risk. We did not expect these results, we did not think that non-ionizing radiation could cause such tumors. This is a powerful example of why sound scientific research is so important in cancer risk assessment. Interestingly, initial studies on the link between lung cancer and smoking met with similar rejection at the time. Theoretical considerations at the time suggested that there could be no causal relationship between the two.

In 2011, the World Health Organization classified radiation from cell phones as a 2B carcinogen. This means that it is potentially carcinogenic to humans. As cell phones have only been in widespread use since the 1990s, certain long-term risks from cell phones may only become apparent in epidemiological studies in the future.

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2. electromagnetic radiation impairs brain function

Studies are currently being carried out by scientists to find out whether the use of cell phones affects our brains. Although the electromagnetic fields that cell phones produce are considered weak, studies are showing effects on our brains. Dr. Nora D. Volkow, a senior researcher at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, reported that there are "changes in brain glucose metabolism after cell phone use".

The Environmental Working Group conducted studies with a focus group. The researchers attached cell phones to the heads of the participants. In addition, the phones were switched on and off for different lengths of time. Unfortunately, the study did not provide enough information to conclusively answer important questions, but it did show that brain glucose levels increased as soon as the phones were switched on for a certain period of time. This could cause inflammation in the brain, leading to disease.

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3. electromagnetic radiation could increase dementia

Studies have been carried out in a laboratory to investigate the effects of subjects being exposed to radiation from cell phones. The results indicate that electromagnetic radiation can cause symptoms of dementia. In addition to DNA damage that can cause cancer, the studies showed that neurons in the brain suffered damage associated with memory loss and impaired learning abilities.

Even more shocking is that this damage occurred after only two hours of exposure to cell phone radiation. Researchers found that the radiation appeared to poke "holes" in the barrier between the circulatory system and the brain, allowing toxins to find their way into the brain.

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4. electromagnetic radiation could lead to a loss of antioxidants

The use of cell phones can cause the loss of antioxidants in our saliva. Human saliva fulfills a variety of tasks, including fighting pathogens. Our saliva is one of the body's first lines of defense against microbial infections. Studies show that talking on the phone for up to an hour can reduce the level of antioxidants in saliva by up to 25 %.

Five natural ways to reduce the dangers of electromagnetic fields

1. keep your cell phone and computer at a distance as often as possible

Most people are exposed to electromagnetic radiation for most of the day, for example from their cell phones.

Did you know that there is a condition called "nomophobia"? Doctors use it to describe people's fear of being without their phone. 

Fortunately, it is very easy to minimize electromagnetic radiation. Don't carry your cell phone in your pocket or bra. For both men and women, but especially for boys and girls, this habit is a serious problem. These small microwaves, which you cannot see, can actually cause damage to your body and, for example, affect your fertility or cause cancer. In addition, radiation can potentially cause birth defects and other health problems that we simply don't know enough about yet.

But smartphones are not the only problem. Avoid excessive use of tablets and other electronic devices and keep them away from children in particular. Never use your computer on your lap when it is connected to an external power source. Use a separate keyboard and mouse when working on your laptop for long periods of time. This will limit the amount of time your hands or legs are near the power sources, such as the battery.  

2. avoid using Bluetooth headsets and use the hands-free system instead

These little conveniences, in combination with your cell phone, can be detrimental to your health. However, according to a report by CNN, this interference is minimal and the problem is that the headset is worn constantly, even when not in use. You could avoid this problem altogether by simply using the speakerphone. The further away your cell phone is from you, the better. (For this reason, it is better to type and send a message than to actually make a call with the device, especially if you hold the phone further away from your body). Radiation exposure decreases with every centimeter.


3. try to ground your devices

Earthing is the term used to describe direct contact with the earth. During this process, you come into contact with electrons that are located on the earth's surface.

The good news?

Earthing really works. Researchers conducted a study in which they determined the voltage in several areas of the subjects' bodies while they were grounded or ungrounded. Earthing led to a significant reduction in voltage in the body. The study confirms the "shielding effect" of earthing, which Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman once discovered and reported on in his lectures on electromagnetism.

Feynman explained that our body becomes an extension of the Earth's vast electrical system when its potential matches the Earth's electrical potential (and is thus grounded). The earth's potential thus becomes the "means of canceling, reducing or pushing away electric fields from the body." In principle, grounding can eliminate the ambient voltage from everyday power sources.

4. protect your home

You can protect yourself and your family from electromagnetic radiation at home with a few specific measures, such as electromagnetic radiation filters or special colors and fabrics. You can also take very simple, basic measures.

  • Unplug appliances that you are not currently using. This not only puts a stop to wasted energy, but also reduces the amount of electromagnetic fields in your home.
  • Pay particular attention to electromagnetic radiation in the bedroom and eliminate as many electromagnetic fields as possible. After all, you spend a lot of time there. Technical devices can affect both your sleep and your DNA. Charging your cell phone at night is one of them for most people. Why not charge it in the next room or during the day and use a normal alarm clock instead of your smartphone?
  • Avoid halogen and fluorescent lamps.
  • If you use WLAN in your home instead of accessing the Internet via Ethernet, unplug the router when you are not using it and do not place it in areas where you or other family members spend a lot of time.
  • Avoid unnecessary, absurd Wi-Fi devices, such as "smart pacifiers" to monitor your baby or "smart diapers" that tell you when the diaper needs to be changed. Parents and educators have survived for centuries without these technologies.

5. eat a healthy diet

Food is medicine! It is therefore not surprising that we can protect our bodies from the negative effects of electromagnetic fields by eating a nutrient-rich diet. A nutrient-rich diet is essential. Foods with high oxygen uptake capacity (ORAC) can make a big contribution to healing electromagnetic field-induced DNA damage. Regularly include pecans, pomegranate seeds, rosemary, asparagus, blueberries, walnuts, plums, cruciferous vegetables, cinnamon, dates, broccoli and coriander in your diet.

Certain nutrients and health-promoting superfoods - such as iodine, vitamin D3spirulina, noni, vitamin B complexmelatonin, holy basil, omega-3 fatty acidsselenium and zinc - can be easily integrated into your everyday diet.

Concluding remarks on electromagnetic radiation

It is a fact that nowadays we are surrounded by numerous electromagnetic fields generated by countless electrical devices in our vicinity. But it is also a fact that we do not really know much about the effect of these electromagnetic fields on the human body. For this reason, we recommend that you take extra precautions, especially with cell phones, tablets and WLAN. This way you will not expose yourself to unnecessary risk. It is best to avoid this exposure as much as possible and put your cell phone out of reach. This is particularly important for children, who are using cell phones to a much greater extent and at an ever earlier stage in their development.

If you are concerned about electromagnetic radiation in your home, we recommend that you contact an electromagnetic field testing specialist who can carry out appropriate measurements.


Sources (in English):

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