What to do in case of hyperacidity? 5 tips for reliable help!

Posted: August 23, 2024
Irina  Fink
Irina Fink


Tired? listless? without energy? Acidosis takes many forms and impairs personal well-being.

In this article, we want to show you how acidosis occurs, what consequences it can have for you, how you can recognize acidosis in your body and, last but not least, 5 helpful tips on how to use it.

What is meant by acidosis of the body?

Acidosis" refers to an imbalance in the body's acid-base balance, which is primarily caused by excessive consumption of acid-forming foods and insufficient consumption of alkaline-forming foods.

Acidosis can lead to numerous complaints and secondary diseases in the long term. The symptoms often go unnoticed for decades - until the body has already suffered damage.


How does acidosis occur in the body?

Acidification of the body occurs when we consume too many acid-forming foods and too few alkaline-forming foods. Highly acidifying foods include sugar, carbohydrates and animal products. (You can find a list of different types of food with regard to their acidity in the body here). Stress and lack of exercise can also be reasons for an unbalanced acid-alkaline balance.

In the short term, an excess of acids is not a challenge for the body, as it can break down excess acids through its buffer system. However, if our acid-base balance is out of balance for years or even decades due to an unhealthy lifestyle, this can lead to chronic acidosis - with numerous consequences.

What are the consequences and symptoms of chronic acidosis in the body?

  • Excess acid can attack tissues and organs, which in turn leads to illnesses and chronic complaints
  • Excess acid creates a favorable environment for harmful bacteria and other microorganisms that can damage glands and organs
  • Acidosis of the body can impair all vital functions and is a possible cause of many diseases and chronic conditions
  • Acidosis of the tissue does not immediately cause characteristic symptoms. Instead, a wide variety of non-specific complaints can occur that are not perceived as a uniform clinical picture. Possible signs include muscle pain and cramps, general malaise, persistent tiredness, susceptibility to infections, headaches or heartburn.
  • Brittle nails, increased dandruff, hair loss, bad breath, blemished skin and cellulite can also be caused by hyperacidity.
  • Chronic hyperacidity favors the development of many diseases, although scientific evidence for this is still largely lacking. A connection with allergic diseases, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis (chronic polyarthritis), migraines, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, gallstones, gout, muscle stiffness, fibromyalgia, neurodermatitis, kidney stones and chronic pain is being discussed.
  • Last but not least, another consequence of acidification of the organism can begin with symptoms of cellulite and end in obesity: The body forms fat cells to keep excess acids away from vital organs. Fat can therefore be the body's response to an alarming over-acidified state.

For a better overview, here is a list of possible symptoms or complaints that can be caused or promoted by chronic hyperacidity:

  • Chronic, excessive tiredness and fatigue
  • Wrinkled skin
  • Hair loss
  • Disturbed intestinal flora or poor digestion
  • Brittle bones and teeth
  • Allergic diseases
  • Osteoarthritis and joint problems
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Diabetes
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Deteriorated immune system
  • Excessive susceptibility to inflammation and arthritis
  • Rheumatism
  • Sensitive gums
  • Caries and tooth decay

How can acidosis of the body be prevented?

The body's blood buffer for maintaining a healthy pH value

To prevent our body cells from being destroyed by acidic metabolic products, the body constantly strives to keep the pH value of the blood constant between 7.2 and 7.4. For this purpose, our body has a complex buffer system consisting of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium, which is able to absorb and neutralize excessive acids (but also excessive bases).

These buffers are mixtures of weak bases that bind acids (or vice versa) and can therefore compensate for harmful pH fluctuations in the blood. They are therefore also referred to as"blood buffers". The stomach, kidneys, skin, intestines, lungs and connective tissue are regulators in the acid-base balance that provide the corresponding buffers.

The buffering capacity of a body corresponds to the amount of acid (or base) that can be added without changing the pH value of the blood to an extent that is harmful to health. The greater the buffering capacity, the more stable the system is against changes in the pH value.

If there is an excess of acids in the body over a long period of time (typically due to poor eating habits), a large amount of minerals must be used to neutralize them. As highly acidic foods do not provide any minerals, the body has no choice but to take the missing minerals from its own resources once the blood buffer has been completely used up: from the bones, teeth, hair, blood vessels and organs. This explains the various complaints described above that can result from acidosis in the body.

Excursus: What is a "pH value" - and when can it be described as "good"?

The pH value (derived from"powerof hydrogen") is a measure of the acidic or alkaline character of an aqueous solution. Every cell in our organism is influenced by the pH value of our body fluids.

The pH value is indicated on a scale of 1-14:

  • pH value 1-7: acidic substance
  • pH value 7-14: alkaline substance
  • pH value of exactly 7: is neutral.

Conventional tap water typically has a pH value of 7.

Due to their different functions, each body fluid has a different optimum pH value. Some parts of the body need to be acidic, such as stomach acid with a strongly acidic pH value of 1-2. After the strong stomach acid has acidified a meal in the stomach and thus predigested it, it is mixed with the alkaline digestive juices of the pancreas and bile after leaving the stomach.

Typical pH values of different body fluids:

  • Saliva: 6.5 - 7.0
  • Connective tissue: 7.1 - 7.25
  • Stomach acid: 1 - 2
  • Small intestine: 6.5 - 8.0
  • Blood: 7.35 - 7.45
  • synovial fluid: 7.4 - 7.8
  • Bile acid: 8.8
  • Urine: 5 - 8.0

As you can see, there is no such thing as a "good" pH value for the entire body - instead, each body fluid has its own optimum pH value range. The pH value of the blood is most important for the state of health.

Detecting acidosis in the body - Are you acidotic too?

Due to modern eating habits, there is often a risk of permanent acidification of the body.

Because chronic acidosis usually develops slowly and unnoticed and initially only causes atypical symptoms, it is best detected by measuring the pH value of the urine. You can carry out this measurement yourself relatively easily using pH test strips.

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1)  In case of hyperacidity: change your diet

Many foods such as animal proteins, sweets and ready meals promote hyperacidity - so try to avoid these as much as possible! Also make sure you drink plenty of water - but always non-carbonated, please.

A ratio of ¼ acid-forming and ¾ alkaline foods is considered optimal for the body. The latter include fruit, vegetables and herbs, for example.

To give you an overview of recommended and non-recommended foods, we have compiled a list for you here:

Acid-forming foods (not recommended):

  • Meat and animal products
  • Milk and dairy products (except butter)
  • Cereal products
  • Fats and oils
  • Seasoning
  • Sweetened drinks (sweetened or with artificial sweeteners)
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Caffeinated drinks
  • Fast food and ready meals

Neutral foods (recommended):

  • Millet
  • Brown rice
  • Tap water
  • Natural fats and oils
  • Butter
  • Fresh walnuts

Alkalizing foods (highly recommended):

  • Potatoes
  • Leafy vegetables (e.g. lettuce, spinach)
  • Root vegetables (e.g. carrots)
  • Vegetables (tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, etc.)
  • Vegetable soups (alkaline soups)
  • Sprouts
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Soybeans
  • Chestnuts
  • Fruit
  • Almonds
  • Wild herbs (e.g. dandelion, nettle)
  • Herbs (e.g. cress, parsley, chives, marjoram, thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano)
  • Mineral water without carbonic acid

2) Against hyperacidity: supply your body with alkaline minerals

At least until your acid-base balance has been restored and your body has had the opportunity to replenish its blood buffer, you should actively supplement your body with bases to help it deacidify. If you like to eat out or eat fast food, sweets and coffee, we recommend an ongoing daily intake of minerals even after an initial intensive alkaline cure to keep your acid-base balance in balance in the long term.

We at Herbano have developed two high-quality mineral formulas for targeted deacidification of the body, which are produced in Germany in compliance with the strictest testing standards and regulations.

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3) Take alkaline baths to combat hyperacidity

Treat yourself to a 45-60 minute "alkaline bath" once or twice a week with special high-quality bath additives - ideally as a full bath, or (if you don't have a bathtub) at least in the form of a foot bath. The main effect of alkaline baths is not to stabilize your blood buffer, but to eliminate acidic waste products from your connective tissue. Especially at the beginning of an alkaline cure, when you neutralize a particularly high amount of acids through the intake of minerals, you should not do without regular alkaline baths so that the neutralized acids can be completely excreted from your body.

You can also perform brush massages to activate the elimination of neutralized acids via the lymphatic system.

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4)  Exercise moderately to combat acidosis

Exercise regularly so that you really work up a sweat. This stimulates your body's metabolism and also supports deacidification in this respect.

But be careful: don't overexert yourself - especially if you are untrained. Otherwise you can achieve the opposite: so-called"overload acidosis".

5) Relax to combat hyperacidity

Especially if you suffer from a stressful everyday life at work or at home, give your body a break.

Tips for relaxation:

  • Eat less hastily
  • Get enough sleep
  • Avoid stress and negative feelings (anger, rage, envy, resentment and arguments)
  • Try meditation exercises or sports that promote relaxation, such as yoga

How should alkaline powder be dosed in the case of hyperacidity?

  • Those who prefer the powder form should take 1 tablespoon mixed with 200mL of water (1 glass) in the morning.
  • If you prefer the capsule form, you should take 4 capsules throughout the day with plenty of water - preferably 2 capsules in the morning and 1 before lunch or dinner.

Buy alkaline powder now!

What side effects can occur when taking alkaline powder?

In principle, there should be no side effects. However, if too much alkaline powder has been taken, diarrhea may occur, as the intake of alkaline powder particularly stimulates the organs.

Myths about hyperacidity

Myth 1: Acidosis equals acidosis

No, not in the scientific sense! Metabolic or respiratory "acidosis" refers to a drop inthe pH value in the blood to a value below 7.35 - regardless of the pH value of other body fluids. Acidosis in the general sense can have life-threatening consequences and can occur, for example, in diabetics as a result of insulin deficiency.

Acidosis is not related to acidosis of the body. Even if the body is chronically over-acidifiedthe blood still remains alkaline - because the body does everything it can to keep the pH value of the blood at 7.4.

However, naturopathy often speaks of chronic, latent acidosis. This is not yet recognized by some scientists. But more and more experts are advocating it. 

In the case of chronic acidosis as part of an unhealthy lifestyle, the person is affected by a disturbance of the acid-base balance. This chronic acidosis is not life-threatening, but it is often the cause of numerous chronic degenerative diseases. Precisely because acidosis is not a threat that requires immediate medical treatment (unlike acidosis), chronic acidosis can be counteracted in the long term with a healthy alkaline diet.

Myth 2: Acidosis equals heartburn

Many people initially think of heartburn when they hear the term"hyperacidity". However, these are two different things.

Since hyperacidity is the cause of most health problems (if these problems are not present from birth), it is also involved in the development of heartburn. However, heartburn is just one of the many possible symptoms of acidosis.


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