What helps against heartburn? The best natural remedies

Posted: August 23, 2024
Irina  Fink
Irina Fink


Almost all of us know it - after a sumptuous and hearty meal we feel a burning sensation in our stomach and chest and then it happens, our digestive juices rise - we are talking about heartburn!

Contrary to what conventional medicine claims, stomach acid is NOT the enemy. Quite the opposite: we need it to digest food and absorb nutrients. Stomach acid is also an important part of the immune system. It helps to protect the body from harmful bacteria, which can be the main cause of stomach ulcers, gastritis or even cancer. 



Heartburn causes

What is heartburn?

Heartburn, medically known as gastroesophageal reflux, is a condition in which stomach acid flows back from the stomach into the esophagus. This reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which normally acts as a valve separating the stomach from the esophagus, relaxes or weakens at the wrong time .

Normally, the LES closes after eating to prevent stomach contents and acid from flowing back into the oesophagus. However, if the LES does not close completely or opens too frequently, stomach acid can flow back into the oesophagus and irritate and inflame the oesophageal mucosa. This leads to the unpleasant feeling we know as heartburn .

Various factors can lead to heartburn. The most common triggers include

  • Overweight
  • Pregnancy
  • Smoking
  • certain foods and drinks (e.g. caffeine, chocolate, fatty or spicy dishes, citrus fruits, tomatoes)
  • certain medications
  • Stress


Between 20 and 40% of people in the western world suffer from heartburn.


Occasional heartburn is not a serious problem for most people. However, research shows that people who suffer from chronic heartburn over a longer period of time have a higher risk of more serious illnesses. These include, for example, narrowing of the oesophagus or oesophagitis.

Stomach acid is not the enemy

However, stomach acid is NOT the enemy - although it is often portrayed as such. On the contrary: we need it to digest food and absorb nutrients.

Stomach acid is an important part of the immune system. It helps to protect the body from harmful bacteria - such as Heliobacter pylori, which thrives in low-acid environments and is one of the main causes of stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and even cancers of the digestive system.

What are the symptoms of heartburn?

What does heartburn feel like?

Acid reflux usually manifests itself as a burning or painful sensation that rises from the stomach via the upper abdomen behind the breastbone along the oesophagus into the throat. It is often accompanied by the unpleasant sensation of a hot or sour-tasting liquid coming up into the throat. It is also not uncommon for a sore throat to occur.

Some also report difficulty swallowing. Those affected have the feeling that a band is constricting their throat, as if food has got stuck in their throat or esophagus. Chest pain can also occur, especially when lying down, bending over or after eating.

The most common symptoms of heartburn

The symptoms of heartburn are diverse and vary from person to person. The most common manifestations are

  • Sharp, burning pain: The discomfort, which often occurs centrally behind the breastbone, usually starts in the upper abdomen and spreads to the throat. It can last up to two hours and mainly occurs after eating. Body positions such as lying down or bending over can trigger or exacerbate heartburn, while physical activity does not usually increase the symptoms.
  • Acid reflux into the throat: Can occur especially during sleep and when bending over.
  • Unpleasant, bitter taste: This can occur intermittently or throughout the day. Some sufferers also report that half-digested food or acidic liquid flows back into the throat or mouth.
  • Gum irritation: This is manifested by sensitivity to touch and occasional bleeding gums.
  • Chronic irritation of the throat: pain and dryness combined with a dry cough and the feeling that a piece of food is stuck in the throat are common.
  • Hoarseness: Especially in the morning, but also during the day.
  • Unpleasant breath: This manifests itself as bad breath.
  • Digestive complaints: Pain after eating, especially in the stomach, and flatulence are common. They occur mainly after meals and during acute attacks.
  • Belching: This can occur after eating and may be accompanied by flatulence.
  • Persistent hiccups
  • Difficulty swallowing: This may indicate a narrowing of the esophagus.
  • Discomfort: This can increase when you bend over or lie down.
  • Sleep disorders: These include waking up frequently or coughing and retching at night.
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath

Heartburn symptoms

Can heartburn lead to serious complaints?

If symptoms persist, scarring of the tissue in the lower esophagus can lead to narrowing, which increases the risk of further problems. Research has shown that long-term complications of untreated reflux disease include Barrett's esophagus (a serious complication of gastroesophageal reflux disease), esophageal cancersleep disorders and chronic cough.

As the incidence of acid reflux has increased over the past decade, so has the number of complications. The American Cancer Society estimates that nearly 17,000 patients were newly diagnosed with esophageal cancer in the U.S. in 2017. Nearly 16,000 Americans succumbed to this malignant disease. Side effects and complications can also occur when taking prescription and over-the-counter medications to treat acid reflux.

What are the causes of heartburn?

1. gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD for short, is an irritation or inflammation of the esophagus caused by the reflux of stomach acid.

After a meal, our stomach begins to produce hydrochloric acid, which plays an important role in the digestion of the ingested food. Despite this seemingly aggressive process, the inner wall of the stomach remains intact as it is surrounded by a protective mucus secreted by the cells of the stomach's inner wall. The esophagus lacks this protective mechanism, making it susceptible to damage from stomach acid. Because of its anatomical proximity to the heart region, the resulting discomfort is sometimes aptly referred to as "heartburn".

Under normal circumstances, a special ring of muscle, the lower oesophageal sphincter, at the end of the oesophagus prevents the backflow of stomach acid. When swallowing, this muscle relaxes to allow food to pass through and then closes again to prevent food residue or acid from flowing back. However, in gastroesophageal reflux disease, this muscle relaxes even without active swallowing, which can cause stomach contents, including food and stomach acid , to accumulate in the esophagus . This can attack the inner wall of the esophagus.

The rising acid can cause a variety of symptoms. If persistent acid reflux is not treated or not treated sufficiently, this can lead to considerable damage, such as

  • Erosive esophagitis: Inflammation and damage to the esophagus caused by stomach acid.
  • Barrett's esophagusBarrett's esophagus is a condition in which intestinal tissue replaces the normal lining of the esophagus, which increases the risk of esophageal cancer.
  • Esophageal stricturesNarrowing of the esophagus due to scarring, which can lead to difficulty swallowing.
  • Esophageal adenocarcinomaA type of esophageal cancer that can develop from Barrett's esophagus.
  • Aspiration of stomach acidMay cause coughing, shortness of breath and pneumonia.

2. stomach acid deficiency

It is a widespread misconception that only an excess of stomach acid necessarily triggers the symptoms of acid reflux. In fact, many experts point out the exact opposite, namely that a lack of stomach acid can be responsible for the unpleasant symptoms.

The term "acid reflux" describes a condition in which stomach acid accumulates in the esophagus. This can happen if the valve that separates the stomach from the oesophagus is damaged and therefore does not close properly. As a result, stomach acid can enter the oesophagus in an uncontrolled manner. This in turn changes the acid balance in the stomach, impairs the digestive processes and often leads to unpleasant side effects.

3. malfunction of the esophageal muscle

An often overlooked cause of heartburn lies in the lower oesophageal muscle (LES), which contracts or opens to allow food to pass from the oesophagus into the stomach. Normally, it closes again after this process, blocking the path of stomach acid into the esophagus.

It becomes problematic if this muscle does not close completely, which occurs more frequently with increasing age. Even a small opening can cause acid, bile or food to flow back into the oesophagus. This also applies to the upper esophageal muscle (OES), which is located at the upper end of the stomach and can also allow acid to pass through towards the esophagus.

4. nutrition

Large meals and snacking just before going to bed often lead to heartburn. A full stomach exerts very strong pressure on the diaphragm, causing stomach acid to rise upwards.

The following foods should be avoided:

  • High-fat and fried dishes
  • Chocolate
  • Garlic and onions
  • Caffeinated drinks
  • Acidic foods such as citrus fruits and tomatoes
  • Spicy food

5. lifestyle

Personal lifestyle is directly linked to heartburn. Alcohol and tobacco consumption, obesity or poor posture (slouching) exacerbate the symptoms. It is therefore important that those affected pay attention to the following:

  • Improvement of lifestyle
  • Develop a better posture
  • Effective stress management
  • Physical activity
  • Change of diet including reduction of alcohol, cigarette and stimulant consumption

6 Chronic stress

A certain amount of stress enables us to adapt to our environment and perform at our best. However, it becomes problematic when we suffer from chronic stress, which has a negative impact in many ways. Chronic stress affects the brain, increases the risk of heart disease, heart attacks and strokes, weakens the immune system, causes us to age prematurely and leads to weight gain and digestive disorders.

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7. medication

Certain medications including ibuprofen, muscle relaxants, some blood pressure medications, antibiotics and aspirin can cause acid reflux and GERD. Potassium and iron supplements can also exacerbate symptoms. Other examples: Calcium channel blockers, theophylline (Tedral, Hydrophed, Marax, Bronchial, Quibron), nitrates and antihistamines.

8. getting older

Many older people suffer from a lack of stomach acid and are therefore unable to fully digest the food they eat. It is assumed that this is at least partly a side effect of taking antacids (stomach acid neutralizing agents) for too long and/or an inadequate diet. This is particularly true for older people suffering from H. pylori infection. These eventually lead to atrophic gastritis, an inflammation of the gastric mucosa in the stomach.

Heartburn manifests itself differently in older people than in younger people. Over time, repeated acid reflux leads to a kind of inability to perceive the acid in the esophagus. Older people in particular often suffer from serious complications such as erosive oesophagitis or Barrett's oesophagus without noticing the symptoms. It is not uncommon for doctors to diagnose reflux disease in older patients as the cause of serious symptoms such as chest pain, other heart problems and bleeding in the digestive tract.

9. pregnancy

During pregnancy, the fetus also presses on the esophageal valve, causing acid to enter the esophagus. Small sips of herbal tea and small meals or an elevated head position when sleeping can provide relief.

10. overweight

Being overweight and obese can increase the pressure on the valves and muscles of the esophagus, causing acid to be released. This is why heartburn is often associated with obesity. Eight of nine studies that scientists evaluated in a large analysis showed a link between increased BMI (body mass index) and heartburn symptoms. The same analysis also found that obesity is more likely to lead to other digestive tract diseases such as erosive esophagitis, esophageal cancer and stomach cancer.

11. smoking behavior

Smoking impairs muscle reflexes and increases acid production. People who suffer from heartburn should definitely give up smoking. It has been shown time and again that the symptoms of acid reflux improve when those affected stop smoking.

12. excessive exercise

Too much exercise and too little rest can overload the nervous system and put too much pressure on the abdominal cavity. This includes running and other aerobic exercises that use a lot of strength.

13. magnesium deficiency

Too low a magnesium level can lead to a malfunction of the esophageal sphincter, which is responsible for preventing stomach acid from entering the esophagus.

14. other health complaints

  • Diaphragmatic hernia: A diaphragmatic hernia can lead to unpleasant acid reflux with the corresponding symptoms. The diaphragm separates the stomach from the chest. A hiatal hernia is when the upper part of the stomach protrudes beyond the diaphragm, allowing stomach acid to escape. A hiatal hernia is often, but not always, the cause of heartburn.
  • Inflammation: According to studies, there is a link between the development of GERD and a high level of inflammation. Inflammation can lead to tissue damage and dysfunction of the oesophagus. Untreated inflammation can also lead to oesophageal cancer, which often occurs with severe acid reflux.
  • Malabsorption of carbohydrates: There is growing evidence of a link between poor digestion of carbohydrates and heartburn. In his book "Heartburn Cured", Dr. Norm Robillard argues that the wrong foods are often at the forefront of heartburn treatment. The key, he says, lies in reducing excess carbohydrates. The underlying mechanisms are very complex. However, to summarize, research suggests that acid reflux and GERD are exacerbated by excessive pressure in the digestive tract (gas in the gut). Robillard and other researchers believe that this pressure is caused by bacterial overgrowth, e.g. in the small intestine, and poor absorption of carbohydrates. Ultimately, this pressure could also be due to a lack of stomach acid, which many patients with acid reflux suffer from.
  • Underdeveloped digestive system: Infants are more susceptible to heartburn and GERD because their digestive system is not yet fully developed. As a rule, reflux disease disappears by the first birthday.
  • Chronic cough: There is a strong link between coughing and acid reflux. Although this link is not clear - scientists have not yet been able to prove that one causes the other - coughing could either contribute to the development of GERD or be a symptom that occurs when acid from the stomach enters the esophagus.

How is heartburn treated?

There are many ways to treat heartburn. Of course, the type of treatment also depends on the severity of the heartburn and the symptoms . Unfortunately, medication is still used far too often.

Standard therapy with gastric acid blockers

More and more people are suffering from heartburn. This is why drugs such as proton pump inhibitors are increasingly being used to block stomach acid. Although these gastric acid blockers provide quick relief, doctors advise caution!

Stomach acid blockers interfere massively with the natural digestive process! They ensure that the stomach acid is less acidic. However, this is necessary for the natural digestive process. Without stomach acid, important vitamins and minerals cannot be absorbed. Experts warn that acid blockers can lead to nutritional deficiencies such as calcium deficiency, changes in the intestinal flora or an increased risk of intestinal infections.

Studies show that heartburn medication can also lead to:

  • diarrhea and pneumonia,
  • cause vitamin B and calcium deficiency,
  • impair the effect of anticoagulants,
  • can increase the risk of hip fractures and even heart attacks.

Medication relieves heartburn in the short term - but it does not solve the actual problem.

First, however, it should be explained why the medication administered by conventional medicine is not necessarily the right thing for heartburn.

The main problem with acid blockers is that they focus less on the heartburn itself and more on the stomach acid - a tactic that is by no means in line with the latest scientific findings.

The first thing to know is that our bodies produce LESS and LESS stomach acid as we age. Scientific data published in the American Journal of Digestive Diseases shows that 69% of adults over the age of 80 suffer from achlorhydria , a dysfunction characterized by insufficient stomach acid production.

Flatulence, burping and a feeling of fullness that occur immediately after eating are usually signs of low stomach acid levels.

If excessive stomach acid production were the only cause of heartburn, children would be affected more frequently than adults.

Although stomach acid blockers (antacids) can alleviate some of the symptoms , they cannot solve the actual problem.

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Surgery as a last resort

Acid reflux can also be treated surgically in extreme emergencies. However, surgery should never be the first choice. Beforehand, an attempt should be made to get the symptoms under control by changing lifestyle and eating habits.

Tips for combating heartburn

There are also natural ways to relieve heartburn in the long term without interfering massively with the digestive process.

1. alkaline diet

To get rid of heartburn and hyperacidity permanently, you should switch to an alkaline diet . This is because our modern diet consists of an abundance of acid-forming foods such as caffeine, alcohol and convenience products. This promotes hyperacidity and heartburn.

You can easily turn the tide with an alkaline diet! Focus on alkaline foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables, plant-based protein or raw vegetables.

An alkaline diet has health benefits not only in the case of hyperacidity:

  • Lower risk of nutrient deficiencies
  • Lower inflammation levels
  • Improved digestion
  • Promotion of healthy weight loss

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2. deacidification

Alkaline powders, for example, can be used to deacidify the body. These powders deacidify the body and promote digestion and general well-being. Alkaline mineral powders optimally supply the body with the nutrients it needs.

The aim is to achieve a balanced acid-base equilibrium in the body, which is mainly caused by eating too much acid-forming food and too little alkaline-forming food. Acidosis can lead to numerous complaints and secondary diseases in the long term.

Alkaline bath salts can also be used to support deacidification. It neutralizes acids and toxins through the skin and stimulates the sebaceous glands to excrete them. It also has a stress-reducing effect and detoxifies the body.

3. change of lifestyle

Mild heartburn can often be alleviated simply by changing your lifestyle. The main thing here is to give up unhealthy habits that promote acid reflux and to avoid alcohol and smoking, for example. The consumption of high-fat foods and other foods that can trigger the symptoms should also be restricted. In addition, care should be taken to maintain a healthy body weight and large meals should not be eaten more than three hours before going to bed.

4. diet for acid reflux

Almost all studies on GERD and acid reflux or heartburn show that diet plays an important role in the development of the symptoms. Therefore, symptoms should be treated first and foremost with a change in diet to avoid long-term complications and restore healthy digestive function. Do not ignore your body's warning signals that your digestive function is impaired.

For healthy digestion and general well-being, it is important to eat unprocessed foods - i.e. natural foods. You should choose organic foods as often as possible and avoid genetically modified products. An increased intake of fiber, the consumption of probiotic foods - which promote the colonization of healthy intestinal bacteria - or the intake of appropriate dietary supplements can also help to alleviate symptoms.

You should also limit your intake of cereals and sugar, make sure you eat high-quality proteins and avoid refined vegetable oils. All these measures protect the digestive tract, restore hormonal balance and make an important contribution to the prevention of serious chronic diseases that can occur as a result of poor digestion.

The following foods often lead to an increase in symptoms and should therefore be avoided:

  • Alcohol
  • carbonated drinks, sugary drinks or energy drinks
  • artificial sweeteners
  • fried food
  • certain vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil
  • spicy food
  • Highly industrially processed foods

Improvements in symptoms can be achieved with the following foods:

  • Fresh organic vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables, pumpkins, artichokes, asparagus and cucumbers)
  • Free-range chicken and pasture-raised beef
  • Probiotic foods such as yogurt
  • Bone broth and healthy fats such as coconut or olive oil
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Aloe Vera
  • Parsley, ginger and fennel

5. intestinal cleansing

Impaired intestinal flora is associated with many health problems. Intestinal rehabilitation is about rebuilding the intestinal flora. The right diet plays a central role in intestinal rehabilitation. Sufficient fiber, healthy proteins and healthy fats that promote a balanced intestinal flora should be consumed. A balanced ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as well as probiotics, sufficient sleep and stress reduction are also important.

Nevertheless, heartburn cannot always be avoided. Instead of the unpleasant side effects of medication, it is advisable to resort to natural remedies in such cases.

19 simple tips to prevent heartburn

There are several ways to prevent heartburn from the outset.

1. do not eat too much at once: Large portions require a lot of stomach acid to be digested. Therefore, eat smaller portions throughout the day. This way you can reduce reflux.
2. Chew sufficiently: Most people chew their food inadequately. Food should always be chewed and crushed well before it is swallowed. This is because digestion begins in the mouth.
3. Take your time: Eating slowly is important for good digestion, along with thorough chewing. Eating in a hurry is not good for the body and can promote heartburn.
4. Only eat when you are hungry: We often eat without really being hungry. Pay attention to your hunger and only eat when you are really hungry.
5. Don't eat too hot or too cold: Eating food that is too hot or too cold is not good for the stomach and should be avoided.
6. Don't drink while eating: You should not drink while eating. Instead, you should drink before or after eating.
7. Do not eat three hours before going to bed: This allows the stomach to empty itself and reduce acid production.
8. Do not lie down directly after eating: Do not lie down immediately after eating, the stomach needs to work.
9. Do not exercise immediately after eating: Avoid exercising or bending over immediately after eating. Do not bend forward from the waist down. This can aggravate the symptoms as the stomach is compressed.
10. The following foods should be avoided: Overly spicy foods, citrus fruits, fatty, frozen or highly processed foods, soda, chocolate, onions, garlic, mint-flavored products, tomato-based products and caffeine. All of these foods and drinks can cause stomach acid to enter the oesophagus as they restrict the function of the lower oesophageal sphincter.
11. Don't drink alcohol: Alcohol increases the likelihood of stomach acid entering the oesophagus.
12. Don't smoke: Smoking irritates the membranes in the larynx and esophagus. Nicotine also weakens the valves of the oesophagus, allowing stomach acid to rise.
13. Don't wear clothes that are too tight: The stomach needs space for digestion. Tight clothing can put pressure on the stomach. This can cause food to flow back into the oesophagus.
14. Maintain a healthy body weight and lose excess weight if necessary: People who are overweight, are more likely to suffer from acid reflux than people with a healthy body weight. Losing just a few kilograms can alleviate the symptoms.
15. The right posture: Stand or sit upright and make sure you have good posture. This makes it easier for food and acid to pass through the stomach and prevent it from flowing back into the oesophagus.
16. Abdominal massages: Regular abdominal massages in everyday life can relieve heartburn.
17. Stress management: Stress contributes to the worsening of symptoms, as acid production in the stomach is also stimulated. It is therefore important to learn relaxation techniques and incorporate appropriate exercises into your daily routine. Try yoga, meditation, acupuncture, art or music therapy or anything else that helps you to reduce stress.
18. Exercise: Exercise in moderation. Studies show that excessive exercise, especially running, stimulates digestion and can lead to acid reflux. It is best to exercise in the morning.
19. adjust your sleeping position: An elevated sleeping position prevents acid reflux. Researchers are working hard to investigate the effects of different sleeping positions on the symptoms of nocturnal acid reflux.

The best home remedies for heartburn

Ginger root

This medicinal plant is known in many traditional cultures, especially in Africa, as a "cure-all". In Uganda, for example, it is used by naturopaths and doctors as a remedy for heartburn. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and speeds up the digestive process by preventing the formation of gases and helping to regulate bile and other digestive juices.

Our favorite recipe for ginger tea: 

Peel a piece of fresh ginger root and cut into small pieces or strips.
Pour two cups of water into a small pan and bring to the boil.
Add the ginger, cover and leave to infuse for about 10 minutes.

Try a little cinnamon for a special flavor note.

Mint against heartburn 

The main active ingredient in mint - menthol - is used in many African countries to treat flatulence and cramps. The herb is also ideal as a tea, as it has an immediate calming effect on the stomach. It is also recommended for patients with irritation in the intestinal area, as menthol has an antispasmodic effect on your entire digestive system.

Aloe vera for heartburn

This plant from Africa has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It is considered a classic household remedy for sunburn and other skin injuries or irritations. As a drink, however, it can also soothe the stomach, aid digestion, calm the oesophagus and be extremely helpful for heartburn. 

Aloe juice is also available in drugstores or online stores - but make sure that it is a pure product with no added sugar or juice. It is recommended that you start with half a glass of aloe juice and slowly increase the dose to a full glass. Drink the juice every morning on an empty stomach for a month until the symptoms subside.

Aloe vera as a remedy for heartburn


Papaya leaf tea

Papayas contain the enzyme papain, which promotes the digestion of protein. If fresh, GMO-free organic papayas are not available, organic papaya leaf tea is a recommended alternative. Eat fresh papaya when you feel unwell or drink a cup of papaya tea before going to bed.

Apple cider vinegar

There are no clear scientific studies on the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar for acid reflux and GERD. However, there are repeated reports that apple cider vinegar is an excellent natural remedy for acid reflux.

Lemon and lemon essential oil

Lemons and lemon essential oil can be useful for acid reflux. However, the reaction is not the same for everyone. Add a little lemon juice and a slice of fresh ginger to your drinking water every day. Alternatively, you can also mix one or two drops of lemon oil into the water.

Dietary supplements against heartburn


Consume 25 to 50 million units of high-quality probiotics daily. These healthy bacteria ensure a good balance in the digestive tract and fight bad bacteria that can lead to digestive disorders, leaky gut syndrome or poor nutrient absorption.

Probiotics capsules from Herbano support digestion and strengthen the immune system at the same time. They can be used for the supportive treatment of chronic intestinal diseases. They can also be used as part of an intestinal cleanse for sustainable rebuilding.

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Magnesium complex

Take 400 mg of high-quality magnesium twice a day. This is because a magnesium deficiency can lead to a disruption of the esophageal sphincter and promote reflux disease with corresponding symptoms. Magnesium has proven to be effective in the treatment of heartburn.

The high-dose magnesium complex capsules from Herbano reduce heartburn and regulate digestion in the long term.

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Research shows that people who suffer from acid reflux have significantly lower melatonin levels than healthy people. In around half of those affected, taking melatonin for twelve weeks led to an improvement in symptoms. For some, they even disappeared completely.

Melatonin is primarily used to control the body's biorhythm. The capsules also contain lemon balm and hops, which enhance the calming effect. Melissa is also known to relieve pain and digestive complaints such as flatulence and colic. Melatonin is also found throughout the digestive tract. A deficiency can lead to symptoms.  

The melatonin capsules from Herbano help you to rebalance your biorhythm and counteract digestive disorders.

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Base powder

Alkaline powders have been specially developed for a balanced acid-base balance. They contain the most important minerals and trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C and zinc. The powder helps to neutralize acids in the body and thus protects against hyperacidity. In addition to neutralizing acids, alkaline powders can also break down excess acids. The magnesium and zinc they contain even help to remove toxins from the body.

The minerals and trace elements it contains protect bone density and muscle mass, reduce the risk of high blood pressure and strokes and alleviate chronic pain and inflammation. The absorption of vitamins is improved and the body receives more energy overall. It also stimulates digestion and counteracts hyperacidity.

In addition to an alkaline diet, it is advisable to deacidify the body quickly and in a targeted manner. With Herbano alkaline powder, you will quickly regain more performance and vitality and protect your body from chronic diseases.

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