How can I detoxify my liver naturally?

Posted: October 08, 2024
Irina  Fink
Irina Fink



The liver is probably one of the most important organs for our organism. It is responsible for detoxifying our body - around the clock. The organ works hard every day. This is because the body mainly breaks down toxins via the liver. The liver:

  • tirelessly detoxifies the blood
  • forms bile acid for the digestion of fats
  • breaks down hormones 
  • Stores essential vitamins, minerals and iron


7 steps to natural liver detoxification

Follow these 7 steps for a holistic liver cleanse:

  1. Reduce airborne pollution.
  2. Eliminate toxic foods from your diet.
  3. Drink raw vegetable juice.
  4. Change your diet.
  5. Eat foods rich in potassium.
  6. Take milk thistle, dandelion and turmeric preparations.
  7. Eat liver or take beef liver preparations.

7 steps to liver detoxification

1. reduce pollution from the air and other toxins in your everyday life!

The first thing you should do is reduce the level of pollutants in the air around you:

  • Tobacco smoke
  • Gasoline
  • Paint and adhesive
  • Cleaning agent
  • Nail polish and perfume

You should also reduce your pollution levels with these measures:

Switch to non-toxic, plant-based skincare and cleansing products and banish skin and hair care products that contain petroleum-based preservatives.

The skin is the largest human organ. Everything you put on your skin is absorbed by your body. Therefore, you should not put things on your skin that you would not eat. 

Even organic products can contain toxic preservatives. So look out for products that contain essential oils such as orange or lemon oil as preservatives. Make your own skin lotion from organic shea butter, coconut oil, jojoba, olive oil and essential oils.

2. eliminate toxic foods from your diet!

If you frequently eat industrially processed foods you are putting the health of your liver at risk, as the ingredients of these products directly attack the liver.

  • Hydrogenated fats, refined sugar and convenience foods are highly toxic to our bodies. Therefore, eliminate industrially processed foods, simple carbohydrates and sugar from your diet. Instead, eat more organic products.
  • You should not cook food for too long and should often uncooked uncooked. Avoid using the microwave when preparing your food, as this destroys all the beneficial ingredients.
  • Avoid toxic fats of inferior quality such as rapeseed oil, soybean oil or corn oil. Do not eat food that comes from animals that have been fed genetically modified feed (from soy, corn or wheat).
  • Avoid large fish that contain a lot of heavy metals. Instead, opt for wild salmon instead.
  • Avoid contaminated water and invest in a good water filter. water filter.
  • Avoid chlorinated or brominated products (almost all commercially baked breads and bread products).
  • Avoid products that have been in contact with pesticides and fertilizers. have been in contact with.
  • Lock up your alcohol consumption immediately or abstain completely completely if you suffer from more than three of the symptoms listed above.

Hardened fatsalso known as trans fatshave a higher proportion of saturated fatty acids. The chemical structure of the oil has been altered to make it last longer. The consumption of trans fats dramatically increases the risk increase the risk of heart disease by 25 % or more. In addition, trans fats are also blamed for impairing the immune system, causing inflammation throughout the body. inflammation can occur throughout the body.

Nitrates and nitriteswhich are often added to ready meals, fast food and meat, have been linked to the the development of serious diseases have been linked to the development of serious illnesses. These substances are used to extend the shelf life of food. They also inhibit the growth of bacteria and help products retain their color.

Avoid preservatives and colorants. Replace these foods with healthy, liver-friendly alternatives. Healthy food doesn't just taste good. With a little imagination, you can conjure up healthy meals for you and your family and strengthen the health of your liver in the process.

Roast organic chicken breast or turkey breast yourself and replace store-bought ready-made products. Replace potato chips and other snacks with fresh fruit fresh fruit, carrot sticks, nuts or homemade muesli barsWalnuts contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which strengthen the health of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to a healthy diet, you should make sure that your digestive enzymes are working properly. Problems with liver enzymes can also contribute to the development of liver diseases and other digestive disorders such as Crohn's disease contribute.

Liver detox smoothie

3. drink raw vegetable juice!

It is almost impossible to eat enough fresh vegetables every day to cleanse the liver. However, if you juice the vegetables juicingyou can easily manage 4-5 portions of fresh organic vegetables a day. a day.

Vegetable juice is easier to digestand the nutrients can be absorbed more quickly by the body. This is particularly important for people with impaired liver function.

Cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, for example, have a liver-cleansing effect. This combination may not sound very tasty. Simply add carrots, cucumber, beet and leafy vegetables.

All these vegetables lead to a reduce the acidity in the body and ensure a healthier pH value. Experiment a little until you find your ideal mix. Add fresh herbs, such as parsley or mint, to spice up the taste.

Children like for example orange-carrot-ginger juice for example. For a liver cleanse, the most important things are fresh organic carrots are important. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in the liver. This is necessary so that harmful substances can be transported out of the body. It also breaks down fat in the liver.

4. change your diet!

Next, you should switch to a balanced diet so that you eat more foods that help repair damage to the liver and other organs. Therefore, eat plenty of uncooked fruit and vegetablesespecially dark green leafy vegetables and brightly colored varieties. In general, you should eat predominantly alkaline foods during liver cleansing.

30-40% of your diet should consist of raw fruit and vegetables. Therefore, eat several portions of fruit and vegetables every day. 

This will get your digestion going. These foods contain living enzymes, vitamin C, natural antibiotic substances and anti-cancer phytonutrients. Juice these foods. This is another way to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs.

Eat naturally fermented foods (sauerkraut, cultivated vegetables), natural products, apple cider vinegar and foods with a high proportion of probiotics such as yogurt and kefir.

Other important nutrients:

  • Vitamin K - Green leafy vegetables and alfalfa sprouts
  • Arginine - is found in pulses (beans, peas and lentils), carob, oat flakes, walnuts, wheat germ and seeds.
  • Antioxidants - are found in raw vegetable juice such as carrots, celery, beet, dandelion, apple, pears and green drinks made from chlorella and spirulina as well as fresh fruit, especially citrus fruits and kiwi.
  • Selenium - especially in Brazil nuts, kelp (seaweed), brown rice, molasses, seafood, wheat germ, whole grains, garlic and onions
  • Methionine - Essential for detoxification; contained in pulses, eggs, fish, garlic, onions, seeds and meat
  • Essential fatty acids - Seafood, cod oil and fish oil; fresh avocado, unprocessed nuts and seeds, legumes (beans, peas, lentils), whole grains, wheat germ, green vegetables, eggplant, fresh cold-pressed vegetable and seed oil, fresh ground seeds, especially linseed, evening primrose oil, black currant seed oil, borage oil;
  • Natural sulphur compounds - are found in eggs (preferably organic, free-range eggs), garlic, onions, leeks, shallots and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.

These foods can help:

  • Garlic: Even small amounts of these small white bulbs lead to an activation of liver enzymes, which rid the body of toxins. Garlic also contains high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that support liver cleansing.
  • GrapefruitCitrus fruits such as grapefruits, oranges, limes and lemons contain a lot of vitamin C as well as antioxidants and support the natural cleansing function of the liver.
  • Beet and carrots: Both contain plenty of plant-based flavonoids and beta-carotenes. Eating beet and carrots can stimulate and strengthen general liver function.
  • Green tea: Green tea contains plenty of plant antioxidants, better known as catechins. These are compounds that are known to strengthen liver function. However, only real green tea provides this benefit, not green tea extract. One body of research even suggests that green tea extract may be detrimental to liver health. Just drink real green tea and enjoy not only a delicious drink, but also the many health benefits.
  • Green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables are among the best foods for detoxifying the liver. The high chlorophyll content reliably removes environmental toxins from the bloodstream and literally absorbs them like a sponge. Heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides are neutralized. Green leafy vegetables thus offer an effective protective mechanism for the liver.
  • Avocados: This nutrient-rich superfood supports the formation of glutathione in the body. The liver needs this substance to cleanse harmful toxins.
  • Apples: Apples contain plenty of pectin and therefore the chemical substances needed to cleanse the body and release harmful substances from the digestive tract. The liver is therefore better able to cope with the high level of harmful substances during the cleansing process.
  • Olive oil: Cold-pressed organic olive, hemp or flaxseed oils are good for the liver when used in moderation. They support the body by providing a lipid base that can absorb harmful toxins. This relieves the liver.
  • Cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli and cauliflower are good sources of glucosinolates. Glucosinolates promote enzyme production in the liver. These natural enzymes flush carcinogens and other toxins out of the body and can reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Lemons and limes: These citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C. The body needs vitamin C to convert harmful substances into substances that are excreted from the body when dissolved in water. A glass of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice can stimulate liver activity.
  • Walnuts: Walnuts contain plenty of arginine, an amino acid, and help the liver to detoxify ammonia. They are also high in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids, which promote normal liver cleansing. However, be sure to chew the nuts until they have liquefied before swallowing them.

Liver cleansing food

5. eat foods rich in potassium!

Cover your daily requirement of 4700 mg potassium? Probably not.

Potassium-rich foods can lower lower systolic blood pressure and high cholesterol levels and thus a healthy cardiovascular system support a healthy cardiovascular system. They also make an important contribution to cleansing the liver. If you are thinking of taking potassium supplements, you should first try these healthy alternatives.

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Tomato sauce (also as sauces, purees and pastes)
  • The greens of beetroot and spinach
  • Beans
  • Sugar cane molasses
  • Bananas

Please note: If you have a high potassium level in your kidneys, you should use potassium-rich foods sparingly.


6. use supportive herbs and nutrients!

Next, you should support the health of your liver with supportive herbs and other nutrients to restore it. Herbs such as milk thistle, turmeric, dandelion and globe artichoke strengthen the liver. You also need vitamin B complex, vitamins C and E and natural beta-carotene. Not forgetting a range of specific amino acids.

  • Milk thistle

Milk thistle is considered the "queen" of herbs with a detoxifying effect. It is therefore ideal for detoxifying the liver. It supports the breakdown of accumulations of heavy metals, prescription drugs, environmental pollutants and alcohol in the liver. in the liver.

In addition alleviates milk thistle alleviates the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on the liver. As an active ingredient silymarin the cell walls of the liver and promotes healthy regeneration.

  • Turmeric

Turmeric relieves joint pain, promotes digestion and supports the regulation of blood sugar levels, strengthens liver tissue and metabolic processes in the liver.

  • Dandelion root

Most homeowners detest dandelions because they spread unhindered throughout the garden. But this plant, especially the rootcontains many vitamins and minerals.

Dandelion root has a natural natural diuretic effectso that the liver can remove harmful substances more quickly. The root:

  • strengthens the immune system
  • regulates the blood sugar level
  • Relieves heartburn and indigestion

The burdock root belongs to the same plant family as dandelion and can also help to detoxify the body. The root has a blood-purifying effect and thus supports healthy liver function.

  • Artichokes

Artichoke extract in combination with milk thistle improves liver function. Artichoke is a so-called cholagogue, i.e. a substance that improves the flow of bile.

Scientists investigated whether the precautionary intake of artichoke extract can protect against liver damage and published their results in the September 2008 issue of the journal "Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology". They report that the precautionary intake of artichoke extract can protect against liver damage that occur in the course of contact with known liver toxins.

7. eat liver or take liver pills!

The liver of young, healthy, pasture-raised cattle or poultry contains plenty of vitamins A and B, folic acid, choline, iron, copper, zinc, chromium and CoQ10. Liver is the most nutritious food available to us.

If you don't like liver, you can switch to beef liver tablets if you do not like liver. When choosing a supplement, look for products that do not use hormones, pesticides or antibiotics in the rearing and feeding of cattle.

A quick liver cleanse in 24 hours

In addition to the foods and supplements just mentioned, you can help your liver with a a quick liver cleanse in 24 hours to give your liver a boost.

In the seven days before this quick cleanse you should eat asparagus, cauliflower, beets, celery, kale, lettuce, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, citrus fruits and cabbage. Avoid industrially processed foods and eat organic, pasture-raised meat instead. Also limit your consumption of refined carbohydrates and products containing gluten. These measures serve as preparation and make cleansing easier.

This week you should definitely our secret detox drink this week. It gives you energy and supports liver cleansing and detoxification.

Drink this mixture throughout the week. You will support your body during the detoxification process.

Detoxify your liver with the liver detox drink

Liver detox drink:

  • Dilute Cranberry juice in a ratio of 1:3, i.e. one part juice to three parts water.
  • Add ¼ teaspoon of nutmeg and ½ teaspoon cinnamon into a tea strainer and pour in boiling water. Allow the mixture to infuse for 20 minutes and then cool to room temperature.
  • Add the juice of 3 oranges and 3 lemons and stir well.
  • If the mixture is too sour for you, add a little bit of a natural sweetener. natural sweetener (e.g. honey).
  • Drink this mixture throughout the day. You should drink at least 2 liters of this and an additional 2 liters of water throughout the day.
  • After a day with the cranberry juice mixture, eat the same foods that you ate in the seven days before the cleanse.

Another home remedy to detoxify the liver

warm compress can also have a detoxifying effect on the liver. The warmth and moisture of the compress stimulates the blood blood flow to the liver is stimulated.

You will need a hot water bottle, a small and a larger towel for the wrap.

Fill the hot-water bottle with hot water, wet the small towel with warm water and wring it out well. Now fold it in half and place it under the ribs on the right side of the ribcage (where the liver is located) and place the hot-water bottle on top. Wrap the larger towel around the abdomen, if possible a little airtight. Lie still for about 30 minutes and allow the compress to take effect.


 Note:The liver compress should not be used in the case of stomach bleeding, stomach ulcers or intestinal ulcers!



Sources (in English):

Sun, K., Lu, J., Jiang, Y., Xu, M., Xu, Y., Zhang, J. et al. (2014, March). Low serum potassium level is associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and its related metabolic disorders. Clinical Endocrinology, 80(3):348-55, doi: 10.1111/cen.12168

Ladas, E. J., Kroll, D. J., Oberlies, N. H., Cheng, B., Ndao, D. H., Rheingold, S. R. et al. (2010, January). A randomized, controlled, double-blind, pilot study of milk thistle for the treatment of hepatotoxicity in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Cancer, 116(2):506-13, doi: 10.1002/cncr.24723

Thent, Z. C. & Das, S. (2014). Involvement of liver in diabetes mellitus: herbal remedies. La Clinica Terapeutica, 165(4):223-30, doi: 10.7417/CT.2014.1738