What is an alkaline diet?

Posted: August 23, 2024
Irina  Fink
Irina Fink


Probably no diet is better suited to a long and healthy life than an alkaline diet. After all, an alkaline diet is the key to good health and well-being. 

Alkaline nutrition: the key to a long life and the fight against chronic diseases?

Nowadays, many people eat in very different ways - some diets are good, others rather bad. But probably the best diet for us is the alkaline diet. 

In 2012, a review study was published in the "Journal of Environmental Health", which showed that the mortality rate for numerous chronic diseases and complaints could be reduced by an alkaline diet. This applies, for example, to high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoarthritis, vitamin D deficiency and low bone density, to name but a few.

How does an alkaline diet work? Scientists can confirm that the consumption of highly alkaline foods - fresh vegetables, fruit and unprocessed plant proteins - leads to a higher pH value in the urine. This protects healthy cells and maintains a balanced mineral balance. An alkaline diet can prevent deposits in the blood vessels; calcium does not accumulate in the urine and the formation of kidney stones is prevented. Furthermore, strong bones are formed and muscle atrophy and cramps are counteracted.

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What is an alkaline diet?

An alkaline diet can balance the pH value of various body fluids, including blood and urine. The pH value results from the mineral density of the food you eat. All living organisms on earth depend on a certain pH value . Some scientists believe that diseases and ailments cannot take root in a body with a balanced pH.

The basic principles of the acid ash hypothesis form the framework of the alkaline diet. According to a study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, the acid-ash hypothesis states that "protein and grain-rich foods with low potassium intake lead to dietary acid load and net acid excretion (NAE) with elevated urinary calcium levels. Calcium is removed from the skeleton, which leads to osteoporosis." The alkaline diet attempts to prevent precisely this by taking into account the pH value of individual foods in order to limit acid intake through food.

Even if not all experts agree with this statement, most scientists agree that a balanced pH value in the blood is extremely important for us humans. This should be between 7.365 and 7.4. The authors of Forbes magazine write: "Our bodies go to great lengths to ensure a balanced pH level." The pH value fluctuates between 7.35 and 7.45 depending on the time of day, your diet, what you last ate and when you last went to the toilet. If you develop an imbalance in your electrolyte balance and constantly consume foods that are too acidic - as foods containing acid ash - an altered pH value can lead to acidosis(hyperacidity).

What is the "pH value"?

The abbreviation "pH" stands for "pondus Hydrogenii", which translates roughly as "weight of hydrogen". It is a measure of how acidic or alkaline certain body fluids or tissues are. The scale of values ranges from 0 to 14. The more acidic a solution is, the lower the pH value. The more alkaline a solution is, the higher the value. A pH value of around 7 is considered neutral. The optimum pH value for humans is 7.4, i.e. slightly alkaline. The pH value fluctuates depending on the body region and organ. It is most acidic in the stomach.

Even the smallest changes in the pH value can cause serious problems. This applies not only to us humans, but to all organisms. For example, the pH value of the oceans has fallen from 8.2 to 8.1 due to environmental problems, such as the increasingdeposition of CO2. Various forms of life that live in the ocean are suffering as a result. The pH value is also important for the growth of plants and therefore also affects the mineral content of the food we consume. Minerals in the ocean, the soil and the human body act as a buffer to maintain an optimal pH level. As soon as the acidity increases, the mineral content decreases.

How an alkaline diet works

Below is some background information on acids and bases in the human diet as well as important explanations on how an alkaline diet can be beneficial.

Background information on acids and bases:

  • Scientists believe that there have been "significant changes in the overall acid load in the human diet from the time of hunter-gatherers to the present day." Following the agricultural revolution and the mass industrialization of our food supply over the last 200 years, the food we eat has significantly less potassium, magnesium and chloride and significantly more sodium than it used to.
  • Normally, the kidneys ensure a balanced electrolyte balance (calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium). If we expose our body to excessively acidic substances, these electrolytes are used to regulate the acidity.
  • According to the aforementioned article in the Journal of Environmental Health, the ratio of potassium to sodium has changed dramatically for most people. The ratio of potassium to sodium used to be 10:1; today it is 1:3! People who eat a standard diet now consume on average three times as much sodium as potassium.
  • Many children and adults eat a diet that is extremely high in sodium and low in magnesium and potassium as well as antioxidants, fiber and essential vitamins. In addition, the standard diet in industrialized countries consists of too many refined fats, simple sugars, sodium and chloride.
  • All these changes in the human diet have led to an increase in metabolic acidosis. In other words, the pH value of many people is no longer in the optimum range. In addition, many people take in too few nutrients and suffer from a lack of potassium and magnesium, for example.
  • This accelerates the ageing process, impairs the functioning of the organs and breaks down tissue and bone mass. A high level of acidity in the body depletes the mineral stores in the bones, cells, organs and tissue.

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6benefits of an alkaline diet

1. protection of bone density and muscle mass

The intake of minerals plays an important role in building and maintaining healthy bone structures. Research shows that the more alkaline fruit and vegetables a person consumes, the better protected they are against loss of bone strength and muscle atrophy (sarcopenia) as they get older.

An alkaline diet can balance the ratio of important minerals, especially for bones and lean muscle mass, including calcium, magnesium and phosphate. An alkaline diet also ensures the production of growth hormones. Vitamin D absorption is also strengthened, which additionally protects the bones and alleviates chronic diseases.

2. reduced risk of high blood pressure and stroke

The anti-ageing effects of an alkaline diet include reduced inflammatory reactions and increased production of growth hormones. This has been shown to improve cardiovascular health and protect against common ailments such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, kidney stones, strokes and even memory loss.

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3. relief of chronic pain and inflammation

Studies have found a link between an alkaline diet and reduced chronic pain. Chronic acidosis has been shown to contribute to chronic back pain, headaches, muscle cramps, menstrual cramps, inflammation and joint pain .

A study conducted by the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements in Germany found that 76 out of 82 patients with chronic back pain who received daily alkaline supplements over a period of four weeks experienced a significant reduction in pain based on the Aarhus Low Back Pain Rating Scale.

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4. improved absorption of vitamins and prevention of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium is required for the function of hundreds of enzyme systems and bodily processes. Many people suffer from a magnesium deficiency and suffer from heart problems, muscle pain, headaches, sleep problems and anxiety as a result. Magnesium is also needed to activate vitamin D and prevent vitamin D deficiency. This is important for general immune defense and endocrine function.

5. improved immune defense and protection against cancer

If cells do not have enough minerals to dispose of waste products or supply the body with oxygen, the whole body suffers. Vitamin absorption is impaired by a mineral deficiency, while toxins and pathogens accumulate in the body and weaken the immune system.

Research published in the British Journal of Radiology shows that apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells occurs much more frequently in an alkaline body. Researchers suspect that cancer prevention is linked to an alkaline shift in pH due to a change in electrical charges and the release of alkaline components of proteins. Alkalinity (alkaline = basic) may help reduce inflammation and the risk of diseases such as cancer - an alkaline diet has been shown to be more beneficial for some chemotherapeutic agents that require a higher pH to work appropriately.

6. healthy weight

Limiting the consumption of acid-forming foods and eating more alkalizing foods protects your body from obesity. Leptin levels and inflammatory responses are reduced, which affects your hunger and fat burning. Since alkalizing foods have an anti-inflammatory effect, eating an alkaline diet gives your body the chance to reach normal leptin levels. You will feel satisfied and satiated by eating the required amount of calories.

Alkaline diet

Alkaline nutrition in practice

Here are some tips on how you can eat an alkaline diet:

Whenever possible, you should buy organic alkaline foods. Experts believe that an important consideration regarding an alkaline diet is to be aware of what type of soil the produce was grown in. Fruits and vegetables that have been able to grow in organic, mineral-rich soil have an alkalizing effect. Research shows that the quality of the soil has a significant effect on the vitamin and mineral content of the plants. This means that not all alkaline foods are created equal.

The ideal pH value for the general availability of essential nutrients for plants is between 6 and 7. Acidic soils with a pH value of less than 6 provide less calcium and magnesium; alkaline soils with a pH value of more than 7 provide unutilizable iron, manganese, copper and zinc. Well-rotated, organic soil on which wild and grazing animals have grazed is the healthiest.

If you want to determine your pH value before trying out the following tips, you can get pH test strips to determine your pH value in urine or saliva. You will get the most meaningful value with the second urine after getting up. Compare the colors on the test strip with the color scale that comes with the packaging. It is best to test your pH value during the day one hour before a meal or two hours after. If you determine your pH value from your saliva, it should be between 6.8 and 7.2.

The best alkaline foods:

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables promote alkalinity best. Some of the best include mushrooms, citrus fruits, dates, raisins, spinach, grapefruit, tomatoes, avocado, black summer radish, alfalfa, barley grass, cucumber, kale, jicama, wheat grass, broccoli, organo, garlic, ginger, green beans, endive, cabbage, celery, beet, watermelon, figs and ripe bananas.
  • All raw foods: Try to eat the majority of fresh foods raw. Uncooked fruit and vegetables are said to have a biogenic or "life-giving" effect. The cooking process reduces the proportion of alkalizing minerals. Increase the proportion of raw foods in your diet and try juicing lightly steamed fruit and vegetables.
  • Vegetable proteins: Almonds, white beans, lima beans and most other beans are a good choice.
  • Alkaline water: Alkaline water has a pH value between 9 and 11. Distilled water is ideal for drinking. Water that has been filtered with a reverse osmosis filter is slightly acidic, but still better than tap water or chemically treated bottled water. Add pH drops, lemon or lime juice or baking soda to your water to increase alkalinity.
  • Green drinks: Juice from green vegetables and grasses in powder form contain many alkaline foods and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has the same structure as our blood and supports the alkalization of the blood.
  • Other foods that you can consume as part of an alkaline diet are: Sprouts, wheat grass, kamut, fermented soy such as natto or tempeh and seeds.

Anti-basic foods and habits that contribute to hyperacidity:

  • High-salt foods: Industrially processed foods contain large amounts of sodium chloride - table salt - which constricts the blood vessels and causes acidity.
  • Cold cuts and conventional meat
  • Industrial cereals (such as cornflakes)
  • Eggs
  • Caffeinated drinks and alcohol
  • Oats and whole grain products: All cereal products, whether whole grain or not, increase the body's acidity. 
  • Milk: Calcium-rich dairy products are responsible for the high rates of osteoporosis. The reason for this is that they increase the acidity in the body. If the acidity in the blood is too high, calcium (a more alkaline substance) is removed from the bones so that the pH value can be balanced. The best way to prevent osteoporosis is to eat plenty of alkaline green leafy vegetables.
  • Peanuts and walnuts
  • Pasta, rice, bread and packaged cereal products

Other behaviors that lead to acidification of the body:

  • Alcohol and drug consumption
  • High caffeine intake
  • Misuse of antibiotics
  • artificial sweeteners
  • Chronic stress
  • Declining nutrient content in our food due to industrial agriculture
  • Low-fiber diet
  • Lack of exercise
  • Meat-rich diet (meat not from pasture farming)
  • additional hormones in food, health and beauty products and plastic
  • Chemicals and radiation in household cleaners, building materials, computers, cell phones and microwaves
  • Food coloring and preservatives
  • Too much sport
  • Pesticides and herbicides
  • Air pollution
  • Poor eating habits and inadequate chewing of food
  • industrially processed and refined foods
  • shallow breathing

Alkaline diet vs. paleo diet

  • The Paleo diet and the alkaline diet have many things in common and offer similar health benefits, such as a lower risk of nutrient deficiencies, reduced inflammation, better digestion, weight loss or weight maintenance, etc.
  • With both diets, the intake of added sugar and inflammation-promoting omega-6 fatty acids is reduced. Cereals and processed carbohydrates are removed from the diet and the consumption of milk and dairy products is restricted. At the same time, more fruit and vegetables are consumed.
  • However, there are some important things to bear in mind if you want to follow the rules of the Paleo diet. The Paleo diet eliminates all dairy products from the diet, including yogurt and kefir, an important source of probiotics and minerals for many people. Often not enough emphasis is placed on organic food and pasture-raised meat (and only to a limited extent).
  • In addition, the Paleo diet recommends eating a lot of meat, pork and seafood, all of which also have disadvantages.
  • Eating too many animal proteins actually contributes to acidosis and does not promote alkalinity. Beef, poultry, cold cuts, seafood and pork can lead to a buildup of sulfuric acid in the blood when amino acids are broken down. Always try to eat the highest quality animal products and vary your protein sources. This is the best way to balance your pH. 

Precautionary measures in relation to the alkaline diet

It may come as a surprise that some foods are on the list of acidic foods, such as eggs or walnuts. These have an acidic effect on the body. However, this should not stop you from eating them. They contain extremely healthy antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids and are therefore very valuable for our diet.

Ultimately, it is important that you achieve a healthy balance. As for your pH level, it can also become too alkaline. Therefore, you should also consume some acidic foods to stay healthy. But usually the problem is that we don't eat enough alkaline foods instead of consuming too much acid from healthy whole foods. Eat lots of healthy, real whole foods (especially vegetables and fruit) and limit your intake of packaged foods. Then you will be on the right track.

Concluding remarks on alkaline nutrition

  • An alkaline diet contains lots of healthy whole foods, which have a positive effect on the pH value of the blood and urine.
  • The benefits of an alkaline diet include better heart health, stronger bones, less pain and the reversal of nutrient deficiencies.
  • Alkaline foods include fruit and vegetables, raw foods, green juices, beans and nuts.
  • Acidic foods that should be limited include high-sodium foods, processed cereals, too much meat and animal protein, added sugar and regular milk.


Sources (in English):

Schwalfenberg, G. K. (2012, October). The Alkaline Diet: Is There Evidence That an Alkaline pH Diet Benefits Health?  Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2012: 727630, doi: 10.1155/2012/727630 

Fenton, T. R., Lyon, A. W., Eliasziw, M., Tough, S. C. & Hanley, D. A. (2009, November). Meta-analysis of the effect of the acid-ash hypothesis of osteoporosis on calcium balance. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research: the Official Journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, 24(11):1835-40, doi: 10.1359/jbmr.090515 

Bonjour, J. P. (2011, March). Protein intake and Bone Health. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, 81(2-3):134-42, doi: 10.1024/0300-9831/a000063 

Vormann, J., Worlitschek, M., Goedecke, T. & Silver, B. (2001). Supplementation with alkaline minerals reduces symptoms in patients with chronic low back pain. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology: Organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS), 15(2-3):179-83, doi: 10.1016/S0946-672X(01)80064-X 

Smith, S. R., Martin, P. A. & Edwards, R. H. (1991, October). Tumour pH and response to chemotherapy: an in vivo 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy study in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The British Journal of Radiology, 64(766):923-8, doi: 10.1259/0007-1285-64-766-923