
Ein starkes Herz bestimmt Ihre Gesundheit maßgeblich. Nur leider gibt es viele Faktoren, die die Herzfunktion schwächen. Dazu zählen Krankheiten, Entzündungen, Schmerzmittel und die Ernährung. Lesen Sie hier, wie Sie Ihr Herz von innen mit den richtigen Mitteln stärken können und was Sie unbedingt vermeiden sollten.

  1. Natural blood thinners: Effective alternatives | Herbano

    The top 6 natural blood thinners

    Discover how everyday foods and herbs such as garlic, ginger and turmeric contribute naturally to blood thinning and support your health.

  2. Antioxidants: Protecting your health with natural power | Herbano

    Antioxidants as the secret to success for health and longevity: why you need more of them

    Antioxidants in food are natural compounds that protect our bodies from damage caused by free radicals. By eating antioxidant-rich foods, we can promote health and reduce the risk of disease.

  3. NMN as a source of eternal youth | Herbano

    NMN: The secret of eternal youth

    NMN and NAD+ sound very cryptic at first. But here you can find out what's behind these miracle molecules and how you can use them to stop ageing.

  4. Resveratrol: The natural blood pressure reducer | Herbano

    Do you suffer from high blood pressure? We have the solution for you

    August 01, 2024
    Krankheiten , Herzgesundheit

    Wussten Sie, dass jeder Zweite im Alter von 55 Jahren an Bluthochdruck leidet?

  5. Vital mushrooms: Effect and application | Herbano

    Vital mushrooms - what makes them so special?

    Do you know about medicinal mushrooms? No? Then it's high time you did – because this is the year of the mushroom! In traditional Chinese medicine, medicinal mushrooms have been well known and very popular for a long time. T...

  6. What are the most common causes of death? | Herbano

    What are the most common causes of death worldwide? And how can you avoid them?

    August 01, 2024
    Krankheiten , Herzgesundheit

    Spoiler alert: we will all die at some point. What's interesting is knowing how the statistics suggest we will go. Published annually, the report looks at the leading causes of death and major health threats around the world.

  7. Lack of exercise and increasing risk of premature death?

    How does a lack of exercise increase the risk of premature death?

    October 08, 2024

    A lack of exercise and physical inactivity increase the risk of premature death. Even a small increase in physical activity can help to reduce this risk and lead a healthier life.

  8. Pain in pets - The quick help

    Wie unterstützen Sie Ihre Haustiere in ihrer Gesundheit?

    Haustiere leiden besonders häufig an Gelenkbeschwerden, die durch Arthritis und Arthrose auftreten. Symptome sind dann meist Lahmen, sichtbare Schmerzen und eine beeinträchtigte Bewegung.

  9. Heart health: The 5 biggest risk factors

    Was schadet Ihrem Herz? Welche Gewohnheiten das Risiko für einen Herzinfarkt erhöhen

    September 04, 2024

    Wussten Sie, dass der regelmäßige Verzehr von frittiertem Essen Ihr Risiko für Herzerkrankungen stark erhöht? Oder, dass Personen, die bereits eine koronare Herzerkrankung hatten und weniger als 6 Stunden in der Nacht schlafen...
